Melanie Brown, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of The Communiversity of South Africa in Cape Town. In 2012 she co‑founded this unique social enterprise with Marcia Abrahams, who is the school’s Director of Development and Training. The Communiversity of South Africa is a low-cost, pre-college, community-based program for youth in high-risk communities.

Dr. Melanie Brown

Dr. Brown earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley and Masters degrees in Psychology at Berkeley and in International Education at Boston University. She has worked in South Africa in educational development since 1995.

Ms. Abrahams is a native of South Africa and a graduate of the University of Cape Town, where she received her undergraduate degree in Education and her graduate degree in Oral Communication. She was a division head and managing director of a recruiting corporation in the IT industry.

Ms. Marcia Abrahams

The Communiversity of South Africa co-founders talk about the intense challenges facing many South African students and the importance of the TM technique for at-risk students in this pre-college school.

Mario Orsatti, the host of TM Talks and Executive Director of the Center for Health and Wellness, a division of the David Lynch Foundation, interviewed Dr. Brown and Ms. Abrahams on December 20, 2020.

Watch the conversation with Dr. Brown and Ms. Abrahams (52:34)

The Communiversity of South Africa co-founders talk about the intense challenges facing many South African students and the importance of the TM technique for at-risk students in this pre-college school.

About TM Talks

TM Talks is a weekly series of LIVE webinars, on personal development and the growth of higher states of consciousness, every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Eastern. Connection details below.

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