Given the challenges of this unusual year, it’s more important than ever that we remember our loved ones. And for everyone’s safety and comfort, we’ve focused this year’s suggestions on gifts that can be found, shared, and, in some cases, enjoyed online. Happy Holidays, everyone, and may we all be blessed with a happier and healthier New Year!
Gifts for Inner Growth
If you’d like to share the opportunity for personal growth, these gifts stand the test of time.

Share a gift of inner peace and wellness that will last a lifetime
1. TM Gift Certificates Give the gift of transcendence to a loved one who has shown interest in learning the Transcendental Meditation technique but lacks the means or just needs that extra nudge. These no-risk gift certificates are easy to create and use. Find everything you need to give someone the TM course ►

Enjoy a One-day or Half-Day TM Retreat from home!
2. One-Day and Half-Day Online TM Retreats Give someone the chance to gain additional deep rest and profound knowledge by attending one of our transformative courses right from the comfort of home. Or treat yourself—it’s a wonderful way to start the new year. Learn more ►
3. Donate to TM Center Scholarships Share the gift of transcending with others by making a donation to a local TM Center, in your own name or on behalf of a family member or friend. To help sustain TM Centers and grow their TM Scholarship Funds, donate to and select the TM Center you wish to support.
Gifts for Enrichment
By popular demand, Maharishi International University (MIU) has greatly expanded its Online Enrichment Courses. Here are three popular options to consider—all with a Special 20% Holiday Discount!

Give the Maharishi Yoga Course
4. 16-Lesson Maharishi YogaSM Asanas This is a companion course to the free, twice-weekly, online group Asanas class. Suitable for beginners as well as for people who are already accustomed to Yoga exercise, this course goes deeply into the nature of Yoga—the unification of individual and cosmic life—by examining the related Vedic Literature and scientific research. Learn more ►

Share cooking for health
5. Ayurvedic Cooking for Perfect Health Master chefs and experts in Maharishi AyurVeda® discuss the best ingredients, cooking techniques, and recipes for a balanced vegetarian diet in this 10-lesson introduction. Demonstration of over 35 international dishes, including breakfast foods, soups, salads, main dishes, and desserts; quick meals for busy people; and recipes and food prep techniques designed specifically for children.

Give the Maharishi Self-Pulse Reading Course
6. Maharishi Self-Pulse Reading Learn the most ancient, most natural means of detecting balance or imbalance in the mind and body. In 16 lessons, you will discover how to precisely determine where imbalance is and how to restore balance. You’ll also learn how simply taking one’s own pulse increases balance for the mind and body and can avert illness before it develops.
Gifts for Better Health

Balance body and mind
7. Maharishi AyurVeda (MAPI) Products to Balance Body and Mind Everyone on your holiday list can benefit from these wonderful gifts, which also make excellent stocking stuffers! Get a 20% discount on your first order ►
Herbal supplements, teas, essential oils, spices, and other MAPI products are developed by Maharishi AyurVeda experts using time-tested knowledge of natural healthcare. Made with the highest quality herbal ingredients, including certified organic, these help to create balance and stabilize good health.

Give the gift of balance
8. Maharishi AyurVeda Gift Certificates and Gift Baskets Not sure what to give? You can’t go wrong with a Gift Certificate.
Support every aspect of health with herbal supplements ►
Take care of the skin and support healthy aging ►
Books for Personal Growth
Books are always appreciated and suitable for meditators and those we’d like to introduce to this invaluable technique. Here are a few new editions. Visit MIU Press for more books.

Share Maharishi’s classic work
9. NEW: Science of Being and Art of Living, by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This classic 1963 book, which has reached millions of readers, unfolds Maharishi’s vision for “a new humanity developed in all life’s values—physical, mental, material, and spiritual.” It has just been updated with a self-contained index, new appendices, and and expanded Afterword by Dr. Bevan Morris, “The Sequential Unfoldment of Maharishi’s Teaching.” Order the latest edition ►

Give The Coherence Effect
10. The Coherence Effect: Tapping into the Laws of Nature that Govern Health, Happiness, and Higher Brain Functioning, by Robert Keith Wallace, Ph.D., Jay Marcus, J.D., and Chris Clark, M.D. What keeps one person healthy and not another? What makes one a high achiever but not another? This book demonstrates that the key to both health and higher brain functioning is the coherent or orderly functioning of the brain and body. Order here ►

An Antidote to Violence recaps TM social research
11. An Antidote to Violence: Evaluating the Evidence, by Barry Spivack and Patricia Saunders, is now available at MIU Press. While there is significant scientific research showing that the TM technique has a positive influence on the health and well-being of individuals, is there any evidence that large-scale TM practice can have a similar influence on societies in reducing stress and levels of violence? The authors reveal the answer to this urgent question with the latest scientific research. This book is also available at the University Store. If you’re an MIU alum, be sure to ask about your discount.

Truth Is One has descriptions of higher consciousness from many cultures
12. Truth Is One. This delightful 28-page booklet beautifully records descriptions of this eternal reality and underscores another reality—that experiencing the Transcendent is no longer the domain of a fortunate few. It also pays tribute to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who introduced the TM technique to the world, thereby giving anyone the opportunity to experience Transcendental Consciousness and full human development. Order here ►