Jim Bagnola, international speaker, executive coach, and corporate educator, is the author of the international bestseller Becoming a Professional Human Being: How to Enjoy Stress-Free Work and Personal Happiness Using the Mind/Body/Work Connection. Among many great reviews, Jeffrey Helfenstein of the U.S. Air Force says, “This book should be in everyone’s self-improvement toolbox.”
Mr. Bagnola discusses how he found his vocation in international leadership training and coaching and also shares interesting stories about corporations he has worked with. He also discusses his inspiration for learning the TM technique and why he recommends it to all his clients worldwide.
Jim Bagnola … is an international speaker, executive coach, corporate educator, and the author of an international bestseller. He was a global mentor for the World Bank, where he coached entrepreneurs, and he also managed the world-famous master magician Doug Henning.
Jim Bagnola holds a bachelor’s degree in political science, a master of arts in consciousness and human potential, a master’s degree in applied psychology, and an honorary doctorate in management. He was a global mentor for the World Bank, where he coached entrepreneurs, and he also managed the world-famous master magician Doug Henning in Hollywood. He currently has offices in the United States, Japan, and Romania.
Mr. Bagnola earned his Certified Speaking Professional designation from the Global Speakers Federation. He has given keynote addresses and provided leadership training, consulting, and coaching for the following selected clients: Shell Oil Company, the U.S. Secret Service, Marriott Hotels, Siemens, Motorola, Hilton Hotels, the U.S. Navy, Foxconn, Oracle, Microsoft, and many other well-known companies in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Christine Albers, host of TM Talks, interviewed Jim Bagnola on December 5, 2024. The interview was aired on December 29, 2024.
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