“For me, there is a ‘before TM’ and an ‘after TM.’ I can’t explain it, but it changed my brain and continues to transform and improve my life. It gave me the opportunity to experience and fully feel joy again. I am forever grateful and will never be the same person as I was before TM®.”
Britt Fradet did her undergraduate work in neuropsychology and is now a physical therapist at Boeing Onsite Physical Therapy. She lives in Issaquah, Washington.
Personal Growth
The Interconnectedness of the Universe
"The first time I did the TM technique I thought, 'This is it!' The peace that swept through me was the thing I was looking for," writes Michael Funk. "I haven’t missed a day since, and every time I practice, I still come out with that feeling."
The Best Thing I Ever Did for Myself
Steven Budnick: "After my first meditation and the TM course, I knew I was hooked for life. It’s 39 years later, and I still make sure I get my two meditations in each day..." (Read more)
Better Health
My New and Improved Brain
Jessica Hatchette shares how TM helped her recover from a traumatic injury: "I'm better today than I was before I started TM. In addition to getting my old brain function back, I'm more kind, patient, resilient, present, calm, and compassionate."
Creativity & the Arts
A Lifeline to a Calmer, More Connected, More Creative Version of Myself
Storyteller and Yoga instructor Tracy Chipman finds TM after a long search: "I love sharing this story because it just illustrates the saying, 'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.' " (Read more)