“I’ve been practicing TM now for about six months, and it has really been a boon. I usually do it six days a week in the morning, and three or four days a week, I add an afternoon session. I have noticed that I’m less anxious, more focused, have more energy, and am generally more at peace with myself, and others’ ‘stuff’ that used to bother me just doesn’t anymore. It’s been life-changing!”
Tony Coretto is an entrepreneur and real estate investor who lives in Larchmont, NY.
Personal Growth
Energy, Happiness, and Creativity
“I learned the Transcendental Meditation technique five years ago. I loved it from the first practice, and I still love it. It gives me self-confidence, energy, happiness, and creativity.” —Anita Tilly, eco-fashion designer
Creativity & the Arts
Connecting with the Calm, Inner Self
Hugh Jackman: "Every day during meditation, I’m reconnecting with my true self… Meditation makes me see what’s true and real…" (Read more)
Creativity & the Arts
Calm Is the New Strong
Sky Ferreira: "I may be a musician, but I actually have severe stage fright. And I have to go through a whole process before I perform…" (Read more)
The Gift of Transcendence
“I would recommend TM to anyone of any age so they can gift themselves with that transcendence, with that cerebral integration, with more optimal brain functioning, and with the ability to be rewarded with the bliss, the calm, the expansion of the mind that you experience when you do TM.” —Pam Peeke, M.D.