Teacher, musician, and athlete Owen Blake, Ph.D., talks about his research on how the TM technique is benefiting esport athletes who play video games at a professional level. He also reflects on his role as a board member of Global Projects for Peace, a nonprofit that brings the Transcendental Meditation technique and Consciousness-BasedSM solutions to troubled areas around the world.

Dr. Blake has been practicing the TM technique for over two decades and has been involved in various aspects of Consciousness-Based education for much of that time. In 2008, he graduated from Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa, and went on to Maharishi International University (MIU), also in Fairfield, where he majored in Media and Communications with an emphasis on music. In 2014, he moved to Brooklyn, New York, to work with the David Lynch Foundation as the “Quiet Time/TM Program” site leader for the Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (BUGS), where students practiced TM twice a day as part of their schedule.

In 2016, he began teaching a multidisciplinary course on “Consciousness, Connections, and Life Skills” at Maharishi School. In 2023, Dr. Blake completed his Ph.D. at MIU, with doctoral research on the benefits of TM practice for athletes, particularly with regard to burnout, stress, and performance. He recently became an assistant professor of Maharishi Vedic Science at the university.

Teacher, musician, and athlete Owen Blake, Ph.D., talks about his research on how the TM technique is benefiting esport athletes who play video games at a professional level.

Mario Orsatti, the host of TM Talks and Director of Advanced Techniques of the TM program for the United States, interviewed Dr. Blake on March 3, 2024. 

Watch the conversation with Dr. Own Blake (50:39)

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