Teacher and coach Debbie DeMarco Bennett discusses improvements in her mental and physical health, overcoming borderline personality disorder, and coping with multiple sclerosis. She describes the many benefits she has found from her practice of Transcendental Meditation, including her first-ever experience of inner peace and why she recommends the TM technique to her clients worldwide.

Mrs. DeMarco Bennett is finishing her M.A. in Consciousness and Human Potential at Maharishi International University. She is the founder, teacher, and coach at EmotionallySensitive.com, where she has co-facilitated classes in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for eleven years.

Teacher and coach Debbie DeMarco Bennett discusses improvements in her mental and physical health, overcoming borderline personality disorder, and coping with multiple sclerosis.

Mrs. DeMarco Bennett’s books on DBT and borderline personality disorder (BPD) include Stronger Than BPD: The Girl’s Guide to Taking Control of Intense Emotions, Drama, and Chaos Using DBT; The Stronger Than BPD Journal: DBT Activities to Help Women Manage Emotions and Heal from Borderline Personality Disorder; Stop Sabotaging: A 31-Day DBT Skills Challenge to Change Your Life; and Healing from Borderline Personality Disorder: My Journey Out of Hell through Dialectical Behavior Therapy. These books were published under her former name, Debbie Corso.

Mrs. DeMarco Bennett is an avid TM practitioner and has never missed a meditation since first learning TM in January 2022. As a person with multiple sclerosis, she credits her daily TM practice for her greater cognitive clarity, increased energy, dramatically reduced anxiety, and improved sense of connection with others.

Christine Albers, co-host of TM Talks, interviewed Debbie DeMarco Bennett on June 30, 2024.

Watch the discussion with Debbie DeMarco Bennett (48:34)

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