Yolanda Lewis-Ragland, M.D., is a community pediatrician at the Children’s National Health System (CNHS) in Washington, D.C., and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at George Washington University. Dr. Lewis-Ragland is also board-certified in bariatrics and has conducted research in child and adolescent obesity.
For the past decade, Dr. Lewis-Ragland has worked with organizations like the United Way, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to help develop and advance public health initiatives.
Dr. Lewis-Ragland discusses how the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique can benefit families, communities, and our rapidly changing world.
Mario Orsatti, the host of TM Talks and Executive Director of the Center for Health and Wellness, a division of the David Lynch Foundation, interviewed Dr. Lewis-Ragland on August 16, 2020.
Watch the discussion with Dr. Yolanda Lewis-Ragland (50:37)
Dr. Lewis-Ragland discusses how the Transcendental Meditation technique can benefit families, communities, and our rapidly changing world.
About TM Talks
TM Talks is a weekly series of LIVE webinars, on personal development and the growth of higher states of consciousness, every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Eastern. Connection details below.
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The Arts
Promoting Self-Worth, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Love in Kids and Teens | 45:12
Maria Scrivan, award-winning syndicated cartoonist of Half Full and author of the New York Times best-selling graphic novel Nat Enough, talks about helping kids and teens overcome obstacles to personal growth and learn how to be true to themselves with the challenges of social media and trying to fit in.
Science & Research
7 Ways to Help Your Kids Be Happy and Successful—Now and for Life | 3:31
A revolutionary approach to raising resilient, purpose-driven kids, by neuropsychologist William Stixrud and test-prep expert Ned Johnson. Think of yourself as your child’s consultant, not her boss. Help your kid problem solve, rather than trying to fix it for him. Encourage “radical downtime” with TM and sleep. Be a “nonanxious presence.”
How Teens Can Sculpt a Happier, More Resilient Brain for Themselves | 28:36
More real-world advice to help your kids be their best selves, from neuropsychologist William Stixrud and test-prep expert Ned Johnson, authors of The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control over Their Lives.
Personal Growth
Kids, Families, and the Coronavirus—Why Overcoming Stress Is More Important Than Ever (Parts 1 & 2) | 51:27
William Stixrud, Ph.D., clinical neuropsychologist and best-selling author, discusses how the pandemic causes extreme stress for kids, teens, and parents. He explains teen depression and anxiety, why a sense of control and intrinsic motivation is vital for lifelong happiness, and how TM practice helps our brains adapt to change.