What is Veda? Is it a philosophy, a religion, or something else? And how is this ancient knowledge relevant to our lives today? Discover gems of understanding in this Facebook talk by Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R., livestreamed around the world on October 22, with 1 million views in the first two weeks. Dr. Nader’s Facebook page is available for public viewing so everyone can enjoy his content. Here’s how to connect without a Facebook account.
Dr. Nader is an author, medical doctor, neuroscientist trained at M.I.T. and Harvard, and a renowned scholar in the fields of meditation, Yoga, and consciousness. As the successor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique, he is the head of the international TM organizations and oversees Consciousness-BasedSM programs in education, health, business, and other fields, in over 100 countries.
What is Veda? Is it a philosophy, a religion, or something else? And how is this ancient knowledge relevant to our lives today? Discover gems of understanding in this Facebook talk by Dr. Tony Nader ►
It’s impossible to summarize Dr. Nader’s far-reaching talk, but here are glimpses of some of the insights you’ll find.
A Subjective Science of the Reality of Consciousness
“Veda is a term in Sanskrit that means knowledge,” begins Dr. Nader. “Knowledge about what? It’s really a science and technology of consciousness, of awareness.”
The Vedic Tradition is the world’s oldest continuous tradition of knowledge. While modern science explores the multiplicity of objective reality, the focus of Veda is the inner, subjective reality of consciousness. Both the TM technique and Yoga come from Veda.
“Maharishi explained what Veda truly is,” Dr. Nader explains. “It is the dynamics of this infinite field within, a science of consciousness, of the reality of one’s own Being. It is a subjective science, with a technology of consciousness that allows us to dive deep within with the TM technique.”
Hundreds of scientific studies have shown the great benefits of practicing TM for developing all areas of life—health, happiness, intelligence, creativity, work, school, relationships, even world peace.
“Maharishi explained what Veda truly is. It is the dynamics of this infinite field within, a science of consciousness, of the reality of one’s own Being.” —Dr. Tony Nader
Expand the Knower to Live 200 Percent of Life
Education today focuses on the object of knowledge, the known, Dr. Nader points out, but what about the knower?
“If we don’t develop the knower, then knowledge is incomplete, and life is incomplete,” he says. “Watering that root, watering Being, the Self, allows objectivity and success in life and dynamic action to be more fulfilling, more creative, more progressing, and more creating of waves of fulfillment for the individual and society.”
As Dr. Nader explains, “Be maximum inside and then maximum outside. This is not selfish; this is how we can give more. We can only give what we have. If we have unhappiness and fear and anxiety, that’s what we give. And if we have happiness and strength and infinity, that is what we can give. That is what Veda gives—infinity, so we can give infinity.”
“If we have happiness and strength and infinity, that is what we can give. That is what Veda gives—infinity, so we can give infinity.” —Dr. Tony Nader
Watch Dr. Nader’s talk on Veda here ►
Here’s how to connect without a Facebook account ►
Enlightenment Series
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