Neuroscientist Dr. Tony Nader, head of the worldwide Transcendental Meditation organizations, will unfold how life’s big questions have amazingly simple answers, once we understand the universal principles of consciousness. Tune in for an engaging discussion with Dr. Nader and host Robert Keith Wallace, Ph.D., with live questions from viewers, on Saturday, March 20, at 2:00 pm EDT. Please note: A replay of the event will be posted soon.

Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R.
Dr. Nader will outline the easy steps we can take to maximize our personal growth toward enlightenment, and offer glimpses into his forthcoming book, One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness: Simple Answers to the Big Questions in Life (Penguin Random House, April 2021).
This online event is open to all and is being hosted by the TM Centers of Florida. Feel free to invite your friends, family, and colleagues—including those who don’t yet practice the TM technique—to join on Zoom on Saturday, March 20, at 2:00 pm EDT.
Dr. Nader will outline the easy steps we can take to maximize our personal growth toward enlightenment.
The Search for Meaning
With his profound understanding of both modern scientific discovery and ancient Vedic wisdom, Dr. Nader asks the questions that shape our lives and influence all that we do. Here’s an excerpt from his new book, One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness:
“Is there some hidden purpose to life, a secret design, a meaningful logic, a goal to reach? Why are we here? Where do we come from and where do we go after we leave? Are we each on our own path with our own concerns and our own individual and independent fate? For what should we be striving?” writes Dr. Nader. “As conscious beings who wish to take control of our lives, these questions are not only relevant, they are fundamental.”
Dr. Wallace looks forward to exploring such questions with Dr. Nader on March 20th. “We’re in for a wonderful discussion, because, as the successor to TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr. Nader is uniquely qualified to elucidate the path to enlightenment,” he says.
“Maharishi’s great genius was to describe enlightenment as something real and natural. It develops systematically in a continuous and progressive manner on the basis of neurophysiological refinement, utilizing the existing mechanics of human physiology. Enlightenment represents the full development of the most valuable qualities of human life. Dr. Nader combines the specialized training of a neurologist with his deep understanding and experience of the development of consciousness and enlightenment,” explains Dr. Wallace.
“As conscious beings who wish to take control of our lives, these questions are not only relevant, they are fundamental.” —Dr. Tony Nader
Two Scientists of Consciousness, in Conversation on March 20
Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R., is a medical doctor trained at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D. in neuroscience). He was a Clinical and Research Fellow in Neurology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School; and the Assistant Director of the Clinical Research Center at MIT. Dr. Nader directs the organizations that teach the Transcendental Meditation technique in over one hundred countries.
Robert Keith Wallace, Ph.D., is a pioneering researcher on the physiology of consciousness and the Transcendental Meditation technique, founding President of Maharishi International University, and author. His most recent book is The Coherence Effect: Tapping into the Laws of Nature That Govern Health, Happiness, and Higher Brain Functioning, with Jay Marcus, J.D., and Christopher Clark, M.D.
Dr. Tony Nader… will unfold how life’s big questions have amazingly simple answers, once we understand the universal principles of consciousness.
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Has the donation of Dr. Nader’s book to public libraries been considered? There are a ton of them in the United States and am sure many would be willing to donate one to their local library. Some libraries will buy a book when requested if not part of their collection so that is another option
Thanks for your suggestion, Don! This is a great idea and is being researched as to how best to distribute an e-book to libraries. Thank you!
I look forward to reading the book.
I am really looking forward to this webinar
Yes, I would like to view this presentation. Thanks and regards