This holiday season, we feature gift ideas you can easily order online and have delivered to your loved ones, colleagues, or clients—from the gift of inner peace and profound rest, to inspiring music, videos, and knowledge in CDs, DVDs, books, and more. You might even want to give yourself and family a special treat.
The first three suggestions are perennials that keep on giving throughout the year!

Share a gift of inner peace and wellness that will last a lifetime
1. TM Gift Certificates. The gift of transcendence would be ideal for a loved one who has shown interest in learning TM but lacks the means or just needs that extra nudge. These no-risk gift certificates are easy to create and use. Find everything you need to give someone the TM® course.

Start the new year with a rejuvenating TM Weekend Retreat
2. TM Weekend Retreats. The TM meditators in your life will be overjoyed with the chance to gain additional deep rest and profound knowledge by attending one of our transformative TM Weekend Retreats. Or give yourself a wonderful start to 2019! Learn more here.

A One-Day TM Retreat will boost anyone’s energy and growth
3. One-Day TM Retreats. Similar to the weekend courses, a One-Day TM Retreat can be surprisingly revitalizing and restorative. Retreats are also helpful for boosting the experience and benefits of regular TM practice. One-Day and Weekend Retreats are available in locations around the United States. Learn more here.
The next four suggestions (4–7) are available through MUM Press, the bookstore of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. Take advantage of their holiday sale with 15% off all purchases through January 12, 2019. View the Holiday Special Flyer.
4. DVDs that inspire and enlighten. Did you know that you can purchase several DVDs featuring insightful talks by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the TM program? The six beautiful films in this series are rare historic records of the ancient Vedic wisdom that Maharishi presented to the world over the course of 50 years, as he shared the knowledge of how to unfold humanity’s unlimited creative potential. Purchase individual talks or the complete 6-DVD set.
5. Maharishi’s Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, Chapters 1–6, 10 CDs. Maharishi’s translation and commentary on this timeless classic, first published in 1965, is available on CD. Renowned Bhagavad Gita pandits of India recite each verse in Sanskrit, and Dr. Vernon Katz, who worked with Maharishi on the translation, reads them in English. Dr. Mike Tompkins reads the abridged commentary. Order the set here.
6. CDs that capture the best of Gandharva Veda, the traditional melodies of India. If someone you know is a lover of Indian classical music that also expresses the most life-supporting sounds of nature, they’ll surely enjoy this entire collection, from rain ragas to duets, sitar solos to bamboo flutes, and more. These ancient melodies can be played at specific times of the day to enliven natural law and create a positive effect on the environment. Browse recordings here.
7. More music and videos that inspire. These CDs and DVDs were created by various artists as a tribute to the profound knowledge and programs for enlightenment that Maharishi has re-enlivened throughout the world. They will inspire and expand one’s understanding of these special programs and the knowledge they develop. They include songs commemorating the Taste of Utopia course of 1983 and more. See what’s available here.
8. Convenient and popular eBooks. Several classic and bestselling books on the TM technique are now available in eBook format, in both Amazon Kindle and Apple iBook versions. Give the knowledge seekers on your gift list Maharishi’s Science of Being and Art of Living and two other titles available through MUM Press. Check out eBooks here.
Additional Kindle titles available from
• Strength in Stillness, by Bob Roth—New York Times and Amazon bestseller • Catching the Big Fish, by David Lynch—insights into the creative process of the renowned filmmaker • Super Mind, by Norman Rosenthal, M.D.—New York Times and Amazon bestseller
Donating to a TM organization on behalf of family and friends is also a wonderful way to honor them:
9. To help grow the TM Scholarship Fund at their local TM Center, donate to and select their Center’s name.
10. If they would like to support Consciousness-BasedSM education and TM research, donate to Maharishi University of Management.
Books are always appreciated and suitable for meditators and those we’d like to introduce to this invaluable technique. Here are a few excellent publications, some of which are already bestsellers. For more books, see this Holiday Special Flyer from MUM Press, for 15% off all purchases through January 12, 2019.
11. Science of Being and Art of Living, by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. In this classic 1963 book, which has reached millions of readers, Maharishi unfolds his vision for “a new humanity developed in all life’s values—physical, mental, material, and spiritual.” Soon after Maharishi began his world tours in 1959, his students urged him to commit his great teaching to paper. By 1963 he had completed this fascinating book, which presents what Maharishi calls the Science of Being as the systematic investigation into the ultimate reality of the universe. Find the latest edition here.
12. Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation, by Bob Roth. This New York Times and Amazon bestseller is a simple, practical, and straightforward guide from a world authority on the Transcendental Meditation technique, who has spent forty-five years helping people access their innate creativity and power by enlivening the field of pure consciousness within. Mr. Roth has personally taught the TM course to students ranging from Fortune 100 CEOs to Oprah Winfrey, from war-scarred veterans to inner-city youth. Order your copy here.
13. The Supreme Awakening: Experiences of Enlightenment Throughout Time—and How You Can Cultivate Them, 2nd Edition, by Craig Pearson, Ph.D. Exalted experiences of extraordinary wakefulness, freedom, and bliss—as different from our ordinary waking experience as waking is from dreaming. Laozi, Plato, Rūmī, St. Teresa of Avila, Emerson, Emily Dickinson, Black Elk, Einstein—all expressing the same natural experience of transcendence and the growth of higher states of consciousness. The author is Vice-President of Academic Affairs at Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa. Order your copy here.
14. Gut Crisis: How Diet, Probiotics, and Friendly Bacteria Help You Lose Weight and Heal Your Body and Mind. Neurophysiologist and researcher Dr. Keith Wallace demystifies the latest science on the microbiome and gives practical advice based on Maharishi AyurVeda® to heal the mind and body. He explains that poor food quality, the overuse of antibiotics, and other factors are creating an imbalanced state in your gut bacteria and damaging your gut lining. This eventually leads to inflammation that underlies chronic health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, heart disease, and degenerative brain disorders. Dr. Wallace offers practical guidance to maintain a more balanced and healthy physiology through diet, lifestyle, and other simple procedures. Learn more and order your copy here.
Everyone on your holiday list can benefit from the gift of a more balanced state of body and mind through Maharishi AyurVeda:
15. MAPI Gift Certificates and Gift Baskets. From herbal supplements, to teas, essential oils, and much more, vpk® by Maharishi AyurVeda (MAPI) offers a wide array of products developed by experts in Maharishi AyurVeda using time-tested knowledge and techniques of natural healthcare. Made with the highest quality herbal ingredients, including certified organic, these products help to create balance, support the experience of transcendence, and stabilize good health. Get a special 20% discount by ordering here.
New Edition: A Practical Guide to Inner Silence and the Art of Action
The Science of Being and Art of Living, the definitive classic by TM Founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a guidebook to getting the most from your TM practice and improving your thinking, speaking, behavior, and health. Enjoy Part 2 of an introduction to this definitive classic.
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Deepen Your Experience with a TM Retreat | 4:11
For Chris Jackson, attending regular TM Retreats during the winter holidays has provided a restful rhythm to his year: “I come away with a tremendous boost in energy and creativity... The practice of TM and the retreats have been essential to my success in this business for 38 years.”
Personal Growth
Strength in Stillness: Bob Roth Talks about His New Book, the Rise of Meditation in Our Culture, and the Future of TM
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