I did not know anything about the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique before meeting Jeffrey Abramson, a real estate developer in green building and wellness architecture, co-founder of the David Lynch Foundation, and chairman of the Board of Trustees of Maharishi International University®.
After one of our conversations about how one builds an authentic community and civic engagement, he suggested that I consider learning TM. “I think you would enjoy it. You strike me as a thoughtful person. I think this could help you,” he said. He recommended I do a little research on what TM is and then let him know if I was interested.
I learned more about the TM technique on TM.org, and came back and told him that I would like to do it. Mr. Abramson was kind enough to provide me with a scholarship to take the training, and I took the TM course with a fabulous teacher at the Rockville, Maryland, TM Center in greater Washington, D.C.
I was also able to manage my longer days by including my TM practice. Additionally, TM has helped me think more expansively on the impact that I would like to have on the world.
My World Opened Up
After my first class, I felt the world open up. All of a sudden, I found I had the ability to think through difficult, complicated work and life situations in a clearer way. TM helped lift the clouds that previously had kept me from being able to do this.
I was also able to manage my longer days by including my TM practice. Additionally, TM has helped me think more expansively on the impact that I would like to have on the world. Today, I work for an environmental organization having a national impact on climate change and climate leaders. I do not know if I would have ever been able to see myself in such a role prior to learning TM.
Practicing the TM technique has helped me be more present, to feel more capable, and to be more of a champion for change in the world.
Practicing the TM technique has helped me be more present, to feel more capable, and to be more of a champion for change in the world.
Jose Dominguez is Director of Development Partnerships at the League of Conservation Voters. He lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, with his wife, Lisa, and their sons, Owen and Joshua.
Personal Growth
Becoming a Change-Maker
Supriya Venkatesan: "At the age of 25, I was at a crossroads in my life. My six-year contract with the U.S. Army was about to come to a close, and I stood before a multitude of options, not knowing which path to walk down…" (Read more)
Helping Others
2017 Change-Makers Bring Hope to Chicago, Inner Peace to Veterans, Health to Women at Risk
Our TM heroes are creating positive transformation around the U.S.—bringing the life-saving benefits of TM to women who are victims of assault; turning post-traumatic stress into post-traumatic growth for veterans; helping Chicago schools reduce violence and improve lives.
Helping Others
Disruptors for Good Inspire a New Generation | 2:01
Father Gabriel Mejía, the “Mother Teresa of Colombia.” Iconic filmmaker David Lynch. Art Not War founders, Laura Dawn and Daron Murphy. Gang recovery activist Barry “Ra” Frye. Chicago school founder Nakisha Hobbs. Combat veteran and leader in post-traumatic growth Dusty Baxley... Innovators share how to change the world for the better.
Personal Growth
The Interconnectedness of the Universe
"The first time I did the TM technique I thought, 'This is it!' The peace that swept through me was the thing I was looking for," writes Michael Funk. "I haven’t missed a day since, and every time I practice, I still come out with that feeling."