Join the large Group Meditations and catch the wonderful wave of silence generated by thousands of people meditating together every day.
To support your regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, we invite you to enjoy this online option for daily morning and afternoon Group Meditations—TM Connect by phone or Zoom (audio only). This program is complimentary for everyone who has taken the TM course, and no reservations are required.
How to Connect
Connect by Zoom (audio only): Download the Zoom app on your device, and click this link:
Connect by phone: (669) 900-6833; (646) 876-9923; (253) 215-8782. Meeting ID: 177-174-913#
See daily meditation call times below.

Bob Roth, best-selling author of Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation
The host for each call is Bob Roth, best-selling author of Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation. He leads a 20-minute Group Meditation, and shares insights about the TM technique and brain functioning, with tips for balance in life.
Join the large Group Meditations and catch the wonderful wave of silence generated by thousands of people meditating together every day.
Take a screenshot of the schedule, download TM Connect times to your device, or print it out.
Visit for replays, videos, schedules, and inspirational quotes. Join our Facebook Group to connect with hundreds of others who call in regularly and share experiences.
Daily Meditation Call Times (Eastern)
Visit to see call times in your time zone.
Live: Monday through Friday, at 7:00 am ET
Replays: From previous morning—every hour on the hour from 4:00 to 6:00 am ET
Same day: 7:45 am, 8:30 am, 9:15 am, and every hour on the hour from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm ET
Live: Saturday and Sunday, at 8:30 am ET
Replays: From previous morning—every hour on the hour from 4:00 to 7:00 am, and 7:45 am ET
Same day: 9:15 am, and every hour on the hour from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm ET
Saturdays only: 4:00 pm ET
Live: All 7 days of the week, at 6:00 pm ET
Replays: From previous evening: 5:00 pm ET
Same day: Every hour on the hour from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am ET
Note: To access replays simply click on the Zoom link or dial the phone numbers above. If none of the replay times work for you, there is a recorded session you can listen to anytime at under “Meditate Now.”
“Just joining in these past few days has made such a high impact on me. TM has truly become my lifeline to get through the stress of the craziness of the world right now.” —Gita Patel-Steingart
What Meditators Say about TM Connect
“We are absolutely loving the chance to meditate with this large group and learning SOOOOO much from Bob Roth. This is a giant gift.” —Jennifer Greiner
“I find that meditating with everyone at the same time every day has made it so much easier to be regular in my practice. The results of regular practice are extraordinary! I am healthier, happier, and filled with positive energy.” —S.A.K.

Join TM Connect twice a day
“I am so loving TM Connect. Thank you, Bob Roth! The twice-daily meditations are just what I’ve been needing to get back on track with my daily meditations. Just joining in these past few days has made such a high impact on me. TM has truly become my lifeline to get through the stress of the craziness of the world right now. There are not enough thank yous, but thank you, thank you, thank you! Namaste!” —Gita Patel-Steingart
“TM Connect is fabulous! I just started a couple of days ago, and it helps me to feel deeply connected and powerfully supported in this time. Thank you, Bob Roth and TM! I would like to suggest that we continue to offer online group meditations beyond this pandemic. So many meditators getting together at the same time is a powerful way to benefit each person individually but also the collective.
“We should be proactively seeking to elevate the consciousness of the planet at all times—not just during a pandemic! We need to shift the world into a higher state of consciousness. This is a great way to do it and has powerful benefits to the individual. My meditations are so much deeper with the group, and I feel powerfully supported by the collective field generated by all of us together. What a blessing! I’ve been doing TM for almost 6 years now, and it’s like a turbo booster. Love it! Thank you!” —Sonja Dagbjartsdottir
Are you participating in TM Connect? Share your experiences in the Comments section below.
“My meditations are so much deeper with the group, and I feel powerfully supported by the collective field generated by all of us together. What a blessing!” —Sonja Dagbjartsdottir
Dear Bob and Transcendental Meditation world family,
It’s been very much a pleasure and a treasure to be able to connect with you (all) every day, so much so that I’ve been wanting to reach out in thanks—but couldn’t quite find the right words.
I’m still in somewhat of a “searching for the perfect expression” place, but in the meantime please know that this connection means a LOT, and I’m profoundly grateful.
Thank you,
The 2x Daily Meditation is such a blessing and it has definitely enhanced my practice ! I would like to ask Bob if he could announce the date and the number of people connected on each call ?
That’s just what we love to hear, Alyce! And to make this great suggestion, send Bob Roth a note via this page:
Thanks and all the best!
I appreciate being able to join the group meditations. They have been extremely helpful for me. Thank You 🙏🏽 I would like to get the quote from Richard Neihbhr which was read this morning. 1/22/22. ♥️
Thanks for your comment, April. We’re so glad these group meditations are so helpful. Is this the quote you’re looking for:
“There is no greater barrier to understanding than the assumption that the standpoint which we happen to occupy is a universal one.” —Richard Neibuhr
I found it on the Inspiration page:
If that’s not the quote you’re looking for, you can contact Bob Roth and the organizers at
Are the TM Connect sessions available by podcast if I’m not available during the scheduled times?
Hi Mark, yes, there are recordings available, and also additional times, on this page: Enjoy!
Hi Bob, your TM sessions are wonderful! I feel great afterward. Before meditation the other day, I thought you said many of your pre-meditation talks had been recorded and would be available on the website. I looked at the website but don’t see them. Could you direct me to them, or will it be awhile yet before they are there?
Hi Tawny, apologies for the delay in responding while we’re short-staffed during the summer months! Here’s a site that may help you find what you’re looking for: Also see the link to the private Facebook group at the bottom of that page. Hope that helps!
Thanks for your love and blessings. Please accept my eternal gratitude
Are there audio repeats or online files of Bob’s comments and quotes?
Thank you
Hi Robert, I don’t believe there are recorded files, but you could check this site for more info: Also feel free to write to Bob Roth directly with this excellent idea:
Thanks for your wonderful comment, Cherry. We’re so happy to hear!
Thank you for TM Connect. I just recently discovered it, and it has made a big difference in reconnecting to a regular TM practice. Please don’t stop when we get back to “normal.”
Thanks, Liz, this is great to hear! The plan is definitely to continue this valuable and popular program.
These calls have been key to getting grounded in consistent meditation. I appreciate the wit and wisdom of Bob Roth. Today I logged in at 9:05 EST to prepare for 9:15 and heard the definition of “Tidsoptimist” and him say “BYE” I’m just checking to make sure I’m not late. I came here to double-check the schedule as my alarm to remind me for meditation went off. I guess I’ll wait a few minutes and see. Thank you.
I cannot thank you enough for these live twice daily TM sessions. I started TM a little over a year ago and have not been consistent. These Zoom sessions make me feel like a good friend is waiting for me and I can’t let her down. Of course, that friend is me! I just sit, soak in what Bob has to say, learn of authors I had never heard of before, and meditate with thousands of other people. I’m so glad I have carved this time out twice daily for myself, and I’m realizing the beautiful benefits. Thank you again for this life-affirming, life-saving service.
Thank you for your beautiful comment, Tracey. I will share it with Bob and the organizers. We’re so happy to offer this, so people can grow in their TM practice and lives!
Hi, I would love to join the group sessions but as I live in Ireland, I can’t quite figure out what times would best suit! Could you help?
Great question, Maurita!
Ireland is +5 hours (ahead) for US Eastern time, +6 hours for US Central, +7 hours for US Mountain, and +8 hours for US Pacific.
Looking at the TM Connect times, add the correct number of hours for each time zone to find times that would work for you. For example, Mornings 9:00 am Pacific = 5:00 pm/17:00 in Ireland.
If you’d like to see additional TM Connect times, visit
And here is a website that helps compare times, just enter Ireland and any US time zones:
Hope that helps. Enjoy connecting from across the Pond!
Thanks Bob, for leading these every morning. I love it that, today, you’ve gone back to saying, “I’ll mind the time.” I’ve missed this phrase, truly, it’s the little things. Please keep “minding” the time for us all! Question, what was the “trick of the intellect” word you mentioned today? Para? Prag? I want this word in my life! 🙂
Thank you for these kind words, Sheri. I passed them along to Bob with your question. He said, “Pragyapradh = mistake of the intellect.”
Thanks, Bob, I really like and appreciate TM Connect. I normally feel the group coherence and you’re a great moderator. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to do a group meditation check once a month or so. No matter how long one has practiced TM, there’s nothing more refreshing than checking. Also, is there any chance of getting a session at 4:00 pm eastern?
Hi Rick, thanks for your comment and question! For additional TM Connect times, visit — there’s a session every day at 4pm Eastern. Group TM checking is available through your local TM Center. To find your Center and contact info, visit
I really appreciate Bob providing us with this opportunity to join with thousands transcending at the same times every day! It is a great support to me! Thanks Bob and everybody!!
Thank you!!!
Bob, I have been meditating with you since the start of the pandemic. I meditate only in the morning as my afternoon gets busy with other commitments. But I have not missed a single morning meditation since March. I am thankful and grateful for this opportunity to meditate with you and so many other fellow TMers. This week I am in Hawaii and felt the same energy here as well. I want to send you a picture of my morning meditation view. It’s calm and serene. Starting 2021 with my practice and once again thanks for the online group mediation. ?
Thank you for the opportunity to meditate in a group. Would it be possible to not only be able to download a PDF with the times but to be able to select the times I’d like to meditate and directly add to my calendar with the zoom information in the calendar invite?
Thank you.
Hi Julia, So glad you’re enjoying TM Connect! That’s a great idea to interface TM times with a Zoom link and one’s calendar. Our website doesn’t have that capability, but we’ll look into whether it’s something we could add. In the meantime, you could try manually entering your desired TM Connect times to your calendar, copying the Zoom link to the location field, then selecting the Repeat option for daily, weekly, or monthly. Then they’ll all appear in your calendar every day without having to reenter every time. Thanks again, and Happy New Year!
TM Connect with Bob Roth is helping me get back into TM. Thank you for this much-needed gift!
One gift of covid is that I have more time ; time to attend the group meditations morning and evening. I look forward to Bob’s gentle and voice, the little teachings, his “keeping the time” and ending quote. For the first time since faithfully meditating with so many others, I am seeing the positive effects of meditation spilling into my activities of daily living. I so grateful for my practice.
It’s been nice knowing I’m sharing an experience with so many during such a strange time of disconnect and isolation. I was especially appreciative of the Lakota and Cherokee prayers Bob shared on or after Thanksgiving/National Day of Mourning.
My name is Francis. Thanks Bob, I am able to join from Kenya. By joining the morning session in the afternoon my time and the evening, in the morning, Kenyan. It is such a great boost for my evolution, the country and the World. Keep it up!
Ha! Agreed. 🙂
I would like to get a copy of a Poem that Bob read during one of our meditations a couple of weeks ago. It was called “I vote for” and I think the author was Kelly, but not sure. He said it was posted somewhere on Facebook but I can’t find it.
Thank you for your help.
Hi Cathleen, We’ll try to find that information and let you know. Take care.
How can I listen to the group meditations if I miss any during the day? I used to have a link to them but I misplaced it. Please assist. Thank you
Hi Ziad, Here’s the page for additional times as well as a pre-recorded session that you can play on-demand. Enjoy!
Hi, what was the poem Bob read tonight that went like “sky says…stream says…ant says…silence says…” ??? It was so lovely and I can’t find it anywhere online. Thank you!
Hi, is there a posted replay to join when we cannot join at one of the regular times? It’s nice to start TM with Bob coaching us then easing us out and ending with something inspirational. Even if this is generic. Thanks!
Hi Dorothy, Yes, there is! Check out for additional times as well as a pre-recorded session that you can play on-demand. Enjoy!
Perfect! Thank you!
I hope these online sessions continue after Covid. I can only do the early morning meditation but it has completely rejuvenated my TM practice. I am so very grateful.
Thank you Bob for these wonderful meditations. I meditate twice a day as a regular practice. My son started calling in to your morning meditation and now both myself and my husband are doing the same. I feel very isolated so it’s such a comfort in these times to know that we are all together as a TM community.
I do dial in to Paul Morehead’s Asana’s program every Friday afternoon. It is also a great comfort.
Thank you Bob.
Thanks so much, Bob. These sessions are keeping me centered. It’s almost as though we are all meeting in person (without the risk). Your quotes stay with me throughout many of the days.
Marcia, Somerville, MA
I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate listening to you, and meditating with everybody on Zoom during quarantine.
I have taken to heart everything you have said and done.
I’ve been meditating 50 years. I’ve always been regular in my practice after that 1st rough year. And have gotten some advanced techniques & the TM-Sidhis as well.
All of this has caught up with me in the most blissful way!
I have been meditating by myself for the past quarter of a century. When you say “I’ll take care of the time…”, I haven’t had anybody say I’ll take care of anything till now, so that’s really important to me.
Also inspiring is the attention you pay to people’s questions. It is truly ?heart ?warming.
I am glad your authentic Self shines through to us all!
Jai Guru Dev,?
So grateful for these group meditations, I try to make it 2 times a day, it keeps me more regular in my practice. I enjoy the information Bob gives us beforehand and the quotes afterward. Hearing his soothing voice starts me relaxing almost immediately, and my meditations are many times, much deeper because of that. Thank you for this gift, my hope is the good energy from so many of us meditating together will help more the world to a more peaceful and loving place. Namaste
Just saw your announcement here – in today – 10/1/20. You do not include the hourly replays of the am and pm meditations in the schedule. Please tell me you are not discontinuing the replays. They are invaluable! I love doing these with Bob, but can’t always make the live ones. (I try and mostly do, but it is a true comfort to know I can hear them later if I miss one.) I haven’t missed a single one both times each day since April 5th! (except when Zoom didn’t work a very few times, just lately for me on the East Coast). Thanks again to Bob and ALL of you who work to make this possible for ALL of us. PLEASE don’t stop providing these! Stay healthy and safe, Linda from Vermont
I absolutely love the global Group Meditation. I have been practicing TM for many years and am glad I have this opportunity to join this one. The only problem is that the 6:00 PM is a bad time for me. I heard you mention that there are recorded sessions I can join but can’t find them. I would appreciated any guidance to finding these so I can continue with the group at a more convenient time. Thank you.
Thanks for your comment, Barb. We’re so happy the call-in/online Group Meditations have been beneficial! For additional times that may be more convenient, visit Enjoy!
Thank you so much for inspiring me to meditate, Bob.
Sharing in at the morning session from The Netherlands (in the afternoon). Thanks so much, it’s an impressive experience.
Thanks for joining and sharing, Hella. A truly global Group Meditation 🙂
Dear Bob, thank you so much for bringing this program together, even after forty plus years of meditation it is still as fresh and wonderful as day one. I love the inspired quotations after meditation, a nice embellishment. Thanks once again for doing this during these times, as it brings us ever closer in Oneness.
I have developed a more relaxed and meaningful meditation since joining with Bob in the morning and evening. I try to never miss it!! Thank you!!!
It has been such a powerful and unifying experience to meditate daily with so many. Having this as part of my daily practice is profoundly connecting. I can’t thank everyone in the TM organization enough for this transforming, enveloping and truly anchoring gift.
I learned how to do TM about 2 yrs ago here in Portland Oregon. I’ve never been able to commit to it and make it a habit. But now I’ve been calling in almost everyday for the last 2 weeks and am hoping this Zoom meeting will continue. If I just do it like this for 4 more weeks it will become a habit! Thank you Coronavirus!! ; )
Love the afternoon mediations with Bob’s knowledge and support of the group. It is the highlight of my day to hear his calming voice and caring personality during this challenging times. Thank you for adding the later times in the morning to mediate. I just got back into TM after moving and this is a gift to me. Thank you!
Thanks Bob, I try to make at least one session a day for one of my two daily meditations. It’s nice and simple to be able to meditate with a group that Bob is leading. Yes it is nice…
I have been unable to make any, at l a.m. in UK. Need time difference.
Hi Andrew, I can understand the big time difference between the US and UK makes it difficult to find a time that works for you! Check out for additional times that may work for you, as well as a pre-recorded session that you can play on-demand. Good luck!