August 24: Morning 1,674 • Evening 1,723 (all global locations)
Daily Lift-Off: 8:15 am CT and 5:45 pm CT
Zoom Doors Open: 6:05 am CT and 3:30 pm CT
Zoom Link:
Please note: If you are unable to join us in the Virtual Dome for the AM and PM lift-off times, please visit for hourly lift-off times to do program with the largest numbers in your time zone and be included in our daily totals. More details below ►
“Consciousness becomes self-referral in the TM-Sidhi program. This is the Unified Field interacting with itself—creating that infinite dynamism of intelligence which sustains the whole creation.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Join the National and Global Campaign to Increase Super-Radiance Numbers
Our global Super-Radiance numbers are now above 1,200 and still climbing! Thank you for helping create and maintain an ongoing wave of positivity and coherence for North America and the world.
We still need more Sidhas to participate at the Virtual Dome lift-off times (see above) in order to create the Super-Radiance effect. We invite every Sidha to join the Virtual Dome whenever it is possible to do so.
With in-person and virtual participation of more and more Sidhas, we hope to achieve the Super-Radiance number for North America.
Sidhas around the world are joining the Virtual Dome for their programs! Together, we will continue enriching our own experiences and bringing much-needed coherence to the world.
Watch Inspiring Talks from the 2021 Inauguration
On December 30, 2021, Dr. Tony Nader, global leader of the worldwide TM organizations, joined others to speak with Governors and Sidhas about the need to increase our Super-Radiance numbers.
Dr. Tony Nader and others talk about Super-Radiance on December 30, 2021 (1:17:14)
On December 1, 2021, Dr. John Hagelin, U.S. National Director, Dr. Candace Badgett, Director of the Women’s TM Organization for North America, and Dr. Howard Settle, Director of Global Super-Radiance, launched this campaign with the goal of creating much-needed coherence and supporting more profound experiences in our programs.
Drs. Hagelin, Badgett, and Settle launch the campaign on December 1, 2021 (33:08)
Enjoy the Virtual Dome Super-Radiance Experience!
As always, no registration or sign-in is required:
- Click here or on any of the Virtual Dome links on this page.
- Enter the number of participants doing program at your location.
- Click Check-in and you will automatically join the Virtual Dome via
Daily Lift-Off at 8:15 am CT and 5:45 pm CT
Zoom Doors Open at 7:05 am CT and 4:30 pm CT
See lift-off times in all U.S. time zones below ►

Inside the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome in Fairfield, Iowa
The Virtual Dome program is now automatically integrated with the new global website,
If you are not able to join us for the Virtual Dome lift-off times, please enjoy the hourly lift-off times offered on
3 Ways to Save the Virtual Dome Link
1. Apple Devices: How to Create a Website Shortcut on Your Home Screen
- Launch Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
- Go to the web page that you want to create a Home Screen shortcut for:
- Tap the Share icon (a square with an arrow) at the bottom of the screen.
- Scroll down to the list of actions and tap Add to Home Screen.
- If you don’t see this action, scroll to the end and tap Edit Actions, then tap Add next to the Add to Home Screen action.
- When you open the web page on your Home Screen, simply click on the Virtual Dome Zoom link under the headline to enter the Virtual Dome.
2. Android Devices: How to Create a Website Shortcut on Your Home Screen
- Launch Chrome on your Android device.
- Navigate to the website or web page you want to pin to your Home Screen:
- Tap the menu icon (three dots in upper right-hand corner) and tap Add to Home Screen.
- Enter a name for the shortcut, then Chrome will add it to your Home Screen.
- When you open the web page on your Home Screen, simply click on the Virtual Dome Zoom link under the headline to enter the Virtual Dome.
3. Desktop or Laptop: How to Bookmark or Pin a Website
- Launch your browser and navigate to the web page you want to save:
- Bookmark or pin this web page for your browser.
- When you open your bookmark or pinned web page, simply click on the Virtual Dome Zoom link under the headline.
Super-Radiance Lift-Off Times in All U.S. Time Zones
Join the largest group of Sidhas doing Super-Radiance program together in the Virtual Dome. Connect twice daily to lift off at the times listed below. These times are the first priority for the whole country.
- Eastern — 9:15 am
- Central — 8:15 am
- Mountain — 7:15 am
- Pacific — 6:15 am
- Alaska — 5:15 am (See below)
- Hawaii — See below and visit
- Eastern — 6:45 pm
- Central — 5:45 pm
- Mountain — 4:45 pm
- Pacific — 3:45 pm
- Alaska — 2:45 pm (See below)
- Hawaii — See below and visit
If you are unable to join us in the Virtual Dome for the AM and PM lift-off times, please use for hourly lift-off times. This website replaces the SuperRadiance app, which has been discontinued.
You will be able to use your phone, tablet, or computer to join program with Sidhas from around the world with hourly lift-off times. Choose the Yogic Flying time with the largest group if convenient.
Support Deep Experiences and Collective Consciousness
Maharishi has explained the profound effects of TM-Sidhi practice as follows:
“When we do our TM-Sidhi practice in a group, everyone enjoys the effect of everyone else in the group. If we have a group of hundreds of people, the effect of the group purity on our personal experience will be many, many times more. In a group you get many, many times more refined perception than when you practice alone. That is the reason why in a group the experiences are deeper… So the deeper you go, the purer the levels of unity you perceive. So the ability of perception becomes many, many times more in a group of hundreds of Flyers. It is the perception, it is the direct experiencing process, that unfolds clearer values [of the TM-Sidhis] when practiced in a group.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (quoted in The Complete Book of Yogic Flying by Craig Pearson, Ph.D., MIU Press, 2002)
In the Virtual Dome, we’re now able to practice our TM-Sidhi program in a group from home—with these special features:
- A beautiful photo of the Dome interior.
- Visible countdown to Yogic Flying® lift-off.
- Chimes for Yogic Flying and Vedic recitations at the end of program.
- Numbers of Sidhas and Governors doing program.
We have a well-proven formula to enliven consciousness and transform society. More than 40 studies have demonstrated that large group practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi programs is effective in diffusing acute societal stress, reducing crime and conflict, and even stopping warfare in war-torn areas. This nonviolent approach to peace is favored by organizations like the Global Union of Scientists for Peace (
“We have in our hands a proven technology of peace, and our human nervous system is the instrument. Now we’re putting it to use on a massive scale.” —Dr. John Hagelin
Rave Reviews about the Virtual Dome—Share Your Comments!
We’d love to hear how you’re enjoying program in the Virtual Dome. Please post your experiences in the Comments section at the end of this page ►
“I love the Virtual Dome… I’m having the best programs I’ve had in many years. Necessity is the mother of invention. This is a brilliant adaptation to the times, and if ever there was a desperate need for something, this is it. I am so grateful! We should be able to get back up to national Super-Radiance numbers.” —Michael Cuddehe, Fairfield, Iowa

Enjoy greater smoothness throughout the day.
“I was just doing my program in the last couple of days as usual, and I noticed that there is an added layer of calm and smoothness to meditation and the Sutras. I enjoyed it all and did not think too much of it until after the program tonight. I noticed this consistent smoothness is still there, and it is in every program and also there during the day. I contributed this layer to the new group program that just started, and also heard the reason for it from Dr. Doug Birx today—helping to add more smoothness to everyone’s life at this time. Well—it is working! I can’t thank all of you enough for your consistent handle on the knowledge and the creative work in managing it in every needed situation for the world. All I can say is I am so grateful again. Thank you, Maharishi and Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev” —C.W., Fairfield, Iowa
“My husband and I are doing the Super-Radiance TM-Sidhi program online every day. I immediately felt a tremendous upsurge in energy, a lot like flying at MIU or in one of the very large group national programs. The power of the group Yogic Flying is definitely palpable with this new program. I feel that I am at the root of creation itself! Transcending is ongoing, flowing like a river of sweet water. I am so grateful for this new addition to the day!” —Sharon Iverson, Santa Barbara, California
“I love the Virtual Dome… I’m having the best programs I’ve had in many years… This is a brilliant adaptation to the times.” —Michael Cuddehe
Invite Meditators to TM Connect for Large Group Meditations
The Super-Radiance program in the Virtual Dome is only for those who practice the TM-Sidhi program. However, Meditators can support their twice-daily TM practice and contribute to a powerful wave of harmony and coherence by synchronizing their meditation times. Here are the options for morning and evening Group Meditations for Meditators.
You can also invite Meditators to the TM Connect program for online Group Meditations. Here are all the connection details to share: “Strengthen Your TM Practice with TM Connect” ►
The Virtual Dome is probably the best idea in the TM movement so far for world peace, etc.
Thank you, Bill, for participating and for this great feedback!
When I was last attending MIU, we achieved, as MIU students adding greatly to the dome numbers, national superradiance success. Back then, it was an unwritten rule for all the students to become Sidhas. Why can’t that happen again??? The percentage of non-sidhas on campus is too high. There should be a Maharishi Sidha University if success is to be achieved again. I don’t understand how “Consciousness Based Education” doesn’t also at least accomplish national super-radiance. The idea that the IA Course is somehow in opposition to Consciousness Based Education is absurd.
This is a great point, William. I will pass this along to the Virtual Dome organizers and also to MIU. All the best to you!
Many of the MIU students first learn TM upon arrival there (as opposed to being long-term Meditators like when MIU first opened). And now, MIU is planning to open the Domes to the meditating students soon after their spring break so they can experience the silence of the Domes and inspire them to take the next step to become Sidhas and help create coherence for the world.
The virtual dome is like being physically in the dome. Love the experience, and when more people are added to the program the deeper the experience. I’ve noticed my blood pressure has dropped significantly since I’ve been participating in the virtual Super-Radiance program.
Is it possible to add a dome time clock so participants can sync their clocks with the dome?
I think it would be helpful to provide a time for the west coast (PST) so we can join, even if liftoff is after your CT. Thanks. We would be YF while you are resting or have left but it could be a large group from MT and PST. Thanks!
Hi Garry, the Super-Radiance time for the Pacific Time zone is lift-off at 5:45 pm. If you can do your program then you’ll be doing Yogic Flying with many others on the West Coast who also cannot join Super-Radiance in the Virtual Dome. We recommend that you use the SuperRadiance app and check-in on the app and then you’ll be able to see how many others are doing program at the same time as you. I hope this helps!
In New Zealand we just had a very inspiring call with Raja Howard Settle and many of our Sidhas and Governors. The plan is for the Virtual Dome to be rolled out to other countries. We’re so excited about this and look forward to creating the first waves of super-radiance to the world from our time zone each day 🙂
Thank you so much for this wonderful gift. It’s really a miracle. It’s so wonderful to be connected and do program with so many old friends. It’s such a warm experience to be connected with everyone, even though I’m in a different location. There is no sense of distance. And I feel the bliss of the Virtual Dome experience permeating my life, even though I’m at a distance. I hope the scientists are taking note of the effect. Subjectively it is so marvelous. Thank you to everyone who thought of this brilliant idea and to all who are helping organize to make this possible. So much appreciated.
This could not have been accomplished without the help of so many people and the participation of people like you! Thank you for sharing.
so grateful to the organizers. I am working to bring more of us into the Virtual Dome !
We’re counting on you and it’s because of people like you and your enthusiasm that our numbers are rising!
Jai Guru Dev. Great idea. A game-changer. I feel the power and hear Maharishi say clearly it is the only way to fundamentally change the world for the better. Let’s do it. I’m in. Jai Guru Dev
The Canada Superradiance welcome screen says it all. A quote from Maharishi: “This Knowledge alone will save the world. If you knew how important it was, you would do nothing else.”
Cannot express my joy at discovering, here in Pakistan, that I could sync with this historic Super-Radiance group. Just an hour’s difference from my usual lift-off time to join your group in the morning – and the experience was PALPABLE! The bliss couldn’t stop bubbling! This is such a precious time for the world, and my deep gratitude and undying support to everyone involved in finally making this a reality. Thank you.
Thank you for joining us from Pakistan and helping to unite our globe with coherence!
Today during rest an unusually lovely experience. In my ‘mind’s eye’ I was ‘viewing’ a gentle snow fall thru a tall 🌲 pine tree.
Clearly a better program while syhnchronising with MIU through Please join if you can.
Thank you for the Virtual Dome gift. This is a huge blessing for us to be part of the large group. I can feel the happiness and bliss growing daily doing program with the group. Many thanks to all who organized the Virtual Dome program and keep it going for everyone. Jai Guru Dev
Thanks so much, Shirley! It’s a big team effort and we couldn’t have accomplished it without everyone’s participation in Super-Radiance. Jai Guru Dev
Today during rest the veil between dream state and waking state seemed to be very thin. Usually it’s one of the other — rather opaque, but not today.
In Melbourne Australia we have a WPA of 20 Cps (now 12 ) that has been co-ordinating our morning flying times, which corresponds to the afternoon times in the virtual dome, since the 27th Dec and now connected each day. We may be at the other end of the world but everyone can feel the effect of lifting off with the virtual dome. So please hang in there folks, because it’s a Global initiative as we are all connected.
Jai Guru Dev
That’s wonderful, Larry! Did you connect to the Virtual Dome through Zoom? Please feel free to connect over our Virtual Dome Zoom link when you coordinate your programs and you can add Australia to your Zoom name, which will be inspiring for everyone to see. You can also put your numbers there if you have a group. Thank you for commenting here to remind us that we are all one world family. Jai Guru Dev
After this mornings 2 rounds of meditation an unusual and striking natural event — seagulls circling overhead! Maybe a hundred or so bright white against the clear blue sky circling in ever higher formation before lining out and heading southward. Never seen anything like that before with seagulls. I’m reminded of Guru Dev’s ‘Seagull Story’ wherein the dedicated actions of a lone mother seagull gained the support of almighty nature!
Thanks for sharing Scott, the Virtual Dome seems to be enlivening all the Laws of Nature — thanks for your participation and let’s get our numbers even higher!
I feel reminded of 1989, when people walked through the Berlin Wall into a new normalcy. This medical pandemic and the pandemic of military swashbuckling manifest another wall of fear that needs to be walked through. And it can only be done with the help of “the unseen hand” (several European and US media in 1989).
This experience brings me to feel like I am again being part of the solution in the world!
Hi Pati, It’s such a wonderfully unifying experience for all of us. Thanks for sharing and thank you even more for participating.
I enjoy being on time for almost all these zoom calls. They mean a lot to me.
Imagine how many more Sidhas could join in from around the country…
I appreciate so much the TM Sidhi program on Zoom ! It makes me feel more connected, have a deeper experience, and I am more on time .⚘Thank you
I have felt dramatic improvement in the quality of my program. I now fly in full lotus everyday and enjoy every minute. The programs are far more settled. A couple times I have not been able to hook up because of mechanical problems and the programs felt very flat. I hope the Zoom connection continues forever.
I have been participating in the group program since the TOU course. I notice a deeper experience, longer, more active flying and more settled activity. I hope that this opportunity continues as it provides a deep feeling of connection. Almost like being there! Thanks so much. Also love the tapes of Maharishi. Jai Guru Dev
I have been so enjoying the Super Radiance connection. My programs are deeper and I feel it’s stabilizing effect on both my program and my life in general.
I have been in FL these past months and, generally, keeping the National Superradiance (priority) times. The experience is very deep. I notice, though, that whenever I do the SR Zoom, it feels more soft and comforting : the silence is full of bliss and, believe it or not, it compares very favorably with actually being in the Dome.
Thank you for bringing us together in such a large group! I really appreciate Lyndsay, Bruce and the tech experts behind the scenes. You are making a sweet difference in all our lives! Happy New Year! Jai Guru Dev
To all of our Super Heroes who continue to do the Online Super-Radiance program, the main thing I wish to say is THANK YOU for your participation. Also, Dr. Hagelin wishes to thank you all for your participation, too, as he wants nothing short of peace, harmony, prosperity, and health for our nation and world. Let’s continue to encourage all Sidhas who we know to do their programs at the same time, and may 2021 bring the fulfillment of our desires for a better world. Jai Guru Dev.
Since joining super radiance I have experienced a clear shift to feeling more blissful during the day. If there were evening lectures it would like “frosting on the cake.” I hope it happens.
Raja Hagelin’s Coherence talk Sunday, 11/22, clarified the ways waking state is becoming better and better. It is easy to wonder about the personal transitions I feel and hear about, but he detailed specifics that resonate in my life. The experience descriptions he gave also matched the intellectual understanding we’re enjoying in the Total Knowledge course. In addition, the free Coherence knowledge programs and Zoom Super-Radiance blend to enrich my experience. From the first day of Zoom Super-Radiance I have felt more coherence during program. During flying I expand, settle, and explosively open within, over and over. Flying is my favorite part of the day, and the Zoom chime is when it begins. Jai Guru Dev
Since the start of Online Super-Radiance, my programs have gotten more profound and flying is such a delight.
Connecting pretty much every day, AM and PM. I like it! Definitely gives a sense of connectivity. Thanks for organizing this!
At first, when I heard about this, I thought it was illogical to connect when you’re going inward, but after trying it, I think it’s great, and I don’t miss the dome. Very inspiring and uplifting.
This is great. I feel a lot of benefits from this regular synchronized TM-Sidhi program. I graduated from MIU in 1977, and this is almost like being back at MIU. The best. ❤️
It’s so sweet to know I’m “in the Dome” with my friends while doing program!
It’s a joy to be with everyone Zoomishly, what great programs I’ve been having. Jai Guru Dev.
“Hold on, Ram is bending the ends of infinity” (Vedic literature). With our Zoom Super-Radiance I feel we are gathering everyone into our abode, our abode of pure consciousness.
The Super Radiance connection is felt deeply and appreciated. It is gratifying to be contributing to this program even from afar.
Thank you so much for these powerful group programs. My programs are both deeper and more regular.
There are always two of us doing our TM-Sidhis program when we call in. We are in the Seattle area. We enjoy the group program and find that our programs are deeper with more silence and transcending than when we do program on our own.
Tonight’s session, October 29, of Yogic Flying was amazing! There was actual flying, lots of it! Much better in a large group for me. Always has been. It’s not the Ladies Dome but second best to in-person flying. Thanks everyone. Jai Guru Dev.