Have you heard the news? Twenty-nine countries, from Argentina to Canada, and more than 18,000 individuals participated in our first All-Americas TM Group Meditation on June 25th, at TM® Centers and other locations across the hemisphere. Additionally, many meditators who could not come to their local TM Center meditated from their homes or elsewhere at the same time.
Want to join us next time? Save the date! The next All-Americas TM Group Meditation will be held September 24th, 2017.
The next All-Americas TM Group Meditation will be held September 24th.
The Power of Large Group Meditation
Many meditators who participated on June 25th reported deep, powerful experiences that left them with a profound sense of happiness, inner peace, and revitalization.
“The national group meditation was a distinctive experience,” said Jennifer Stallings in Fairfield, Iowa. “I don’t know if it was knowing that we were in sync with people around the nation, but there seemed to be a more focused, poignant feeling of silence, happiness, and bliss. This state continued into activity. It was lovely.”

Meditators at the Boca Raton, Florida TM Center after the All-Americas TM Group Meditation
In Florida, Jane Bialosky reported, “It was thrilling to think that we in Vero Beach, a small town in anywhere, U.S.A., were connected from the level of silence to meditators across the country and Canada—plus Central and South America—and that, by coming together, we were generating coherence and harmony for our whole world family. The silence on these occasions has a different quality, a different flavor from our regular group meditations. And when we open our eyes, we look at each other and wonder, ‘What was that? Where were we?’ And then we smile. This level of positivity and happiness can be ours always.”
“… there seemed to be a more focused, poignant feeling of silence, happiness, and bliss. This state continued into activity. It was lovely.” —Jennifer Stallings, Fairfield, Iowa
Group meditations are often a favorite part of TM Knowledge Meetings at TM Centers worldwide. Almost everyone begins the TM technique to reap the benefits on a personal level, but they’re delighted when they have their first experience of meditating in a group.
We practice TM for the results in our life rather than any particular experience during meditation. But meditators report that the experience of meditating in a large group—particularly one as large as this—is profound and enjoyable.
Taking Part in the All-Americas Meditation from Afar
Many meditators who were unable to join a meditating group chose to meditate at the same time at home and elsewhere. They, too, found the experience to be unique and beneficial in unexpected ways:
“I was unable to go to a TM Center for the nationwide group meditation, so I meditated at the same time by myself,” said E.R. of Rochester, Minnesota. “Am I glad I did! My meditation was very deep, inward, and settled, much more than usual. I experienced a wonderful wholeness, with no boundaries, and I felt connected to everyone and everything. Very satisfying and delightful!”
“I meditated at the same time by myself… I experienced a wonderful wholeness, with no boundaries, and I felt connected to everyone and everything. Very satisfying and delightful!” —E.R., Rochester, Minnesota
J.G. was traveling at the time, and stopped to meditate in Greeley, Colorado, at the time of the All-Americas Group Meditation. “It wasn’t so much a clear, sublimely blissful meditation that rocked my boat,” J.G. reported, but “extraordinary support of nature. After that day’s TM, everything was in a super-flow mode. Everything. From the weather to a great day with friends. It made me realize again that it isn’t so much the experience of a 20-minute meditation, but rather the smoothness and happiness that it brings to life. Thanks. I want to do it again!”
Join Our Next All-Americas Group Meditation
We’d like to thank all of you for joining us. Since so many of you have asked when we can do this again, we’re happy to announce that our next All-Americas TM Group Meditation will take place on September 24, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. Central Time. Please mark your calendars!
By popular demand, many TM Centers in the United States will also be hosting a Nationwide TM Group Meditation on the last Sunday of every month. Check with your TM Center to confirm your local schedule.
We’d Love to Hear from You!
Have you attended one of our Nationwide TM Group Meditations? If so, and you’d like to share your experiences, please take this two-minute survey.
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“We often listen to a tape by Maharishi and then have a chance to ask questions and discuss the tape with the TM teacher. We explore how the knowledge in the tape relates to our lives.” —Ron Phillips