Using EEG, Drs. Alaric and Cynthia Arenander demonstrate how, with group practice of the TM technique, meditators experience deeper silence and greater brain coherence, which underlies more successful thinking and behavior.
By Harbour Fraser Hodder
Using EEG, Drs. Alaric and Cynthia Arenander demonstrate how, with group practice of the TM technique, meditators experience deeper silence and greater brain coherence, which underlies more successful thinking and behavior.
Ensuring that your practice is easy and effortless, and that you’re gaining maximum benefits, is enjoyable and free with personal TM Checking.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to meditate with a large group of 1,000 people or more? Find out from meditators who participated around the country on May 7, 2017.
Twenty-nine countries and more than 18,000 meditators participated in the first-ever Western hemisphere group TM meditation on June 25, 2017. Many reported a profound sense of inner peace and revitalization.
Practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique from 42 countries, including India, Thailand, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Kenya, and Estonia, participated on January 13, 2018.
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Jai Guru Dev ?