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Personal Growth

October 19, 2016

Growing Older, Feeling Ageless

Helen Boyce: “I am biologically 92 years old but feel ageless—it is just a number. Age does not come to me. I am comfortable living in the present and not worried about the future…” (Read more)

Business Success

October 19, 2016

3 Years of Transcendental Meditation = Gratitude

Blake Ian: “On April 30, 2011, I learned Transcendental Meditation. Since then I have experienced the most productive and present three years of my life, which includes moving to New York City and turning an idea I had into a successful tech startup…” (Read more)

Helping Others

October 19, 2016

Becoming a Change-Maker

Supriya Venkatesan: “At the age of 25, I was at a crossroads in my life. My six-year contract with the U.S. Army was about to come to a close, and I stood before a multitude of options, not knowing which path to walk down…” (Read more)

Business Success

October 19, 2016

My Company Rehab: How TM Helps Build Teamwork

Nancy Slomowitz: “The Transcendental Meditation technique has been part of my business toolkit throughout my career. However, I didn’t realize its real significance for many years…” (Read more)

Creativity & the Arts

August 24, 2016

An Artist Giving Back

Lawrence Sheaf: “My paintings… are concerned with revealing the very foundation of our visual world…” (Read more)

Better Health

August 17, 2016

How TM Saved My Life

Jennifer Jarosik: “Now, given my experience with Transcendental Meditation, having actually practiced it, I can say it has not only changed but also saved my life…” (Read more)

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