
Personal Growth

February 28, 2020

Discovering the Unity in All Things

Adile Esen, Ph.D., shares how she learned ways to enrich her experiences and find greater happiness and success on the path to enlightenment. “I would be walking and talking, and at the same time feel great wholeness and oneness—a sense of total unity with everything around me,” she writes.

Better Health

May 3, 2019

My Journey from Physician to TM Teacher

“To be able to pass on this simple formula for experiencing inner silence and enlivening the innate intelligence of the mind and body has been the fulfillment of my dream of really helping people to live better lives,” writes D. Edwards Smith, M.D.

Creativity & the Arts

November 11, 2016

Shy Girl Dreaming

Linda Egenes: “My daily TM practice had such a profound effect on my life that, after graduating with my degree in elementary education, I became a teacher of TM. Here was the missing element in education—the thing I had been looking for: the simple, effortless technique that could help every child express the creativity, intelligence, and goodness that is inside them. Learning to teach the TM program was the fulfillment of my dream to help children grow and learn.”

Helping Others

October 19, 2016

Becoming a Change-Maker

Supriya Venkatesan: “At the age of 25, I was at a crossroads in my life. My six-year contract with the U.S. Army was about to come to a close, and I stood before a multitude of options, not knowing which path to walk down…” (Read more)


August 17, 2016

An Effortless Kind of Happy

Antwan Penn: “The first time I did the TM technique, I felt like I had come home. Tears ran from my eyes because I felt so deep and so connected. I immediately felt more rested and had more energy during activity…” (Read more)


July 18, 2016

Deep and Connected

“The first time I did the TM technique, I felt like I had come home. Tears ran from my eyes because I felt so deep and so connected. Now it’s easy, spontaneous, and effortless for me to feel happy.” —Antwan Penn, MUM student

Helping Others

October 19, 2016

Becoming a Change-Maker

Supriya Venkatesan: “At the age of 25, I was at a crossroads in my life. My six-year contract with the U.S. Army was about to come to a close, and I stood before a multitude of options, not knowing which path to walk down…” (Read more)

Creativity & the Arts

November 11, 2016

Shy Girl Dreaming

Linda Egenes: “My daily TM practice had such a profound effect on my life that, after graduating with my degree in elementary education, I became a teacher of TM. Here was the missing element in education—the thing I had been looking for: the simple, effortless technique that could help every child express the creativity, intelligence, and goodness that is inside them. Learning to teach the TM program was the fulfillment of my dream to help children grow and learn.”

Better Health

May 3, 2019

My Journey from Physician to TM Teacher

“To be able to pass on this simple formula for experiencing inner silence and enlivening the innate intelligence of the mind and body has been the fulfillment of my dream of really helping people to live better lives,” writes D. Edwards Smith, M.D.

Personal Growth

February 28, 2020

Discovering the Unity in All Things

Adile Esen, Ph.D., shares how she learned ways to enrich her experiences and find greater happiness and success on the path to enlightenment. “I would be walking and talking, and at the same time feel great wholeness and oneness—a sense of total unity with everything around me,” she writes.

Business Success

July 16, 2016

The Song of the Self

Erik Martin: “Talk to people who dive within, who access their true nature through meditation… They’ll say that the song of the Self is the sweetest music they’ve ever heard…” (Read more)


July 18, 2016

Deep and Connected

“The first time I did the TM technique, I felt like I had come home. Tears ran from my eyes because I felt so deep and so connected. Now it’s easy, spontaneous, and effortless for me to feel happy.” —Antwan Penn, MUM student

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