Personal Growth

Personal Growth

June 27, 2017

The Interconnectedness of the Universe

“The first time I did the TM technique I thought, ‘This is it!’ The peace that swept through me was the thing I was looking for,” writes Michael Funk. “I haven’t missed a day since, and every time I practice, I still come out with that feeling.”

Business Success

May 25, 2017

One of My Top 3 Decisions

Larry Comp: “Like many of us, I grew up in a dysfunctional family. I suffered from a great deal of stress, struggled with grades, and had a very bad temper. One summer vacation, I was working night crew, stocking grocery shelves with one of my buddies… He told me that he did TM, which I had never heard of…” (Read more)

Creativity & the Arts

March 1, 2017

A Lifeline to a Calmer, More Connected, More Creative Version of Myself

Storyteller and Yoga instructor Tracy Chipman finds TM after a long search: “I love sharing this story because it just illustrates the saying, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’ ” (Read more)


March 1, 2017

Ready for Life, Again and Again

I walked outside for a few minutes after meditating last night, and I realized that after 48 years of doing TM, the same sense of being completely prepared had come that has been coming after meditation ever since I first learned—a sense of joy, a sense that life was a beautiful dance of many dances, and complete confidence.” —Chett Breed, emeritus university English professor


January 24, 2017

40 Years of TM

Diane Erbeznik: “I truly believe that TM saved my sanity on many occasions. Statistically, a single mom of three daughters should have been on welfare, a grandmother at a very early age, and unsuccessful. None of those things happenedand I attribute that to handling my stress through TM…” (Read more)


January 24, 2017

The Best Thing I Ever Did for Myself

Steven Budnick: “After my first meditation and the TM course, I knew I was hooked for life. It’s 39 years later, and I still make sure I get my two meditations in each day…” (Read more)

Personal Growth

June 27, 2017

The Interconnectedness of the Universe

“The first time I did the TM technique I thought, ‘This is it!’ The peace that swept through me was the thing I was looking for,” writes Michael Funk. “I haven’t missed a day since, and every time I practice, I still come out with that feeling.”

Creativity & the Arts

November 11, 2016

Shy Girl Dreaming

Linda Egenes: “My daily TM practice had such a profound effect on my life that, after graduating with my degree in elementary education, I became a teacher of TM. Here was the missing element in education—the thing I had been looking for: the simple, effortless technique that could help every child express the creativity, intelligence, and goodness that is inside them. Learning to teach the TM program was the fulfillment of my dream to help children grow and learn.”

Personal Growth

July 18, 2016

Energy, Happiness, and Creativity

“I learned the Transcendental Meditation technique five years ago. I loved it from the first practice, and I still love it. It gives me self-confidence, energy, happiness, and creativity.” —Anita Tilly, eco-fashion designer

Better Health

May 3, 2019

My Journey from Physician to TM Teacher

“To be able to pass on this simple formula for experiencing inner silence and enlivening the innate intelligence of the mind and body has been the fulfillment of my dream of really helping people to live better lives,” writes D. Edwards Smith, M.D.

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