Practicing the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique has helped me reconnect with my creative gifts. I am 49 years old, and in my teens and 20s, I often wrote poetry. But as I entered my 30s, I stopped writing when my creative voice became stifled by the demands and busyness of householding, parenting, and my career.
I started TM earlier this year simply to seek more calmness, clarity, and peace of mind, after seeing the very positive effects that the technique had on one of my friends. I found all of those things and more.

Anna Colton, hiking in Virginia
What’s interesting is that the return to writing poetry happened rather spontaneously, without me trying. After six months of regular TM practice, one day the words just started flowing.
I’ve also had the courage recently to share my writing with others. This has been incredibly meaningful and has allowed me to connect with other poets and creative communities that inspire and encourage me.
What a delicious surprise all of this has been, to reignite a creative flame which I had thought was forever lost to me!
After six months of regular TM practice, one day the words just started flowing.
Under One Sun
Let’s embrace each other
across Age, Race, Nations, Cultures, Creeds
as we recognize the struggles of today
and of those who came before us.
Let’s celebrate the beauty
in our differences
but also cherish what we share
as we look up
in Unity
under one Sun
one Moon
one Sky
as temporary travelers
on this sacred spinning rock
in the Milky Way.
Let’s work together
to do what we can
while we can
to make this Earth
a better home
For one day
we will be the ancestors
and what we do today
will be the story
that our children tell their children.
To see without eyes.
To touch without hands.
To hear without ears.
To Know with my Soul.
To Be
just the Me
before I had a name
and the world was thrust upon me.
To rest for a while
on the infinite shores
of eternal Light
and receive the Gift.
I am ten billion years old
and brand new
Ancient like stars
yet just arrived.
I am forever
and reborn every minute
in an endless re-creation.
I am the wheel
and the turner of the wheel
The music and the muse
The lyrics and the lyricist
The known and the knower.
The one beyond birth and death.
The bliss inside of every atom
The sound
The source
The light
Energy in a perpetual dance
Riding the waves of Infinity.
© 2019 Anna Colton
Anna Colton is the owner of Centradyne, an IT recruiting and consulting firm. She lives in Herndon, Virginia, with her daughter Tara and her fiancé Amit. In addition to writing poetry, she also enjoys spending time in nature and traveling. Find more of her poems on Facebook at Mystic Vistas.
Hi Anna, thank you for sharing your story and evocative poetry! It is beautiful how TM has enabled you to connect with and embrace your creative, expressive side and given you the courage to share that with the world again! It’s encouraging to hear what is possible!! All the best, Anna.
Anna, thank you for your beautiful poems conveying unity, expansion, infinity, and also for sharing your journey with TM and writing. Many blessings, inner and outer 🙂
Kevin: thanks for your kind words! As a Seeker I have been pretty much obsessed with these concepts almost my entire life, initially through discovering the literary movement of Transcendentalism and the Transcendentalist poets Emerson and Thoreau as a teenager in high school English class, and later through study of various Eastern philosophies in college as well as through reading as self- study. (I am also a long-time practitioner of various types of Yoga.) While I did write about such topics before, I credit my recent TM practice for reuniting me with my voice and for making the voice clearer. I just went to your web site and sampled some of your new album, A New Heart: wow, very inspiring! Thank you for sharing this. Peace and Blessing to you!
Very nice story! I noticed that your poems are weaving in some pretty deep concepts, I’m curious if any of the ideas were inspired by either your experiences meditating or by the knowledge taught in the education that goes along with learning TM, or if these are similar concepts to those that you wrote about prior to learning meditation.
I am a songwriter and I find that my lyrics are sometimes influenced by these things. You can find out about my songs here:
Thank you for your inspiring poems!
Kevin Thomas
I like this story because of what I myself have experienced after having started to practice TM from September 1974 on.
Right after having started to practice TM I was easily able to stop habits like drinking alcohol and going to bed too late et cetera, and to finish my studies in Applied Mathematics within three-quarters of a year, after having postponed this for many years, thus indeed not becoming an “eternal student.” Soon afterwards I got a job as a University Teacher.
In addition I became successful in writing poems.
Dr. Willem Meijles, Netherlands
Thank you Dr Meijles for sharing your very inspiring experience and testimony! It is so amazing how the TM practice can be quite literally life-changing and also a catalyst for so many accomplishments and creative endeavors.
Really beautiful poetry.
Deeply touching.
Thank you Leslie!
Thank you Robert!