Although our world and lives may be turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic and our collective efforts to stop it, the Transcendental Meditation technique can provide an anchor now more than ever. Our TM practice is a refreshing source of stability and resilience in the midst of uncertain change.

Take an inward dive to replenish yourself
It’s a stress-buster when stressors multiply • a quiet break away from constant news and information • a state of restful alertness when we can really use both • a proven health enhancer and immunity booster • an inward dive to care for ourselves, helping us care for others • and a way to replenish and renew with deep silence and inner peace.
We’re in this together, and we’re here to offer continuing support for you and your TM practice.
The following practical tips and new programs to enjoy from home will help us all nourish ourselves, our families, and our world from the transcendent level of life.
If you or a member of your family have fallen ill with COVID-19, we wish you a rapid and complete recovery. If you have lost a loved one to the coronavirus, we send our deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Share how the TM technique is supporting you during this time in the Comments section below.
We’re here to offer continuing support for you and your TM practice.
Practical Tips for Your TM Practice
Are you working at home while homeschooling your kids? Taking your college classes online? Self-isolating on your own? Or out on the front lines providing essential services or working as a first responder in a hospital or the community? Thank you!
Whether you have no time or too much time, it’s a great time to take advantage of meditating on a regular basis, with all the mind-body benefits the TM technique brings.
Tips for everyone
- Wash your hands before sitting to meditate, in case you need to touch your face during meditation.
- Find a quiet place, where you can sit comfortably.
- Can’t find a quiet place at home or work? That’s OK. Noise isn’t a barrier to easy, effortless TM practice. If your attention gets drawn out by noise, just easily return to the practice.
- Put your phone in airplane mode and turn off the TV—the news and notifications will be there when you’re done!
- Create a regular routine for your morning and evening TM sessions, just as you do for work or schoolwork.
- Make use of new nationwide TM times for virtual support—more on this in a moment.
- Call TM Connect for “remote Group Meditations” with a TM teacher and other meditators in your time zone—more below.
- Be flexible about when and where you meditate, and plan ahead so you can fit in both of your daily TM sessions.
- In a pinch, 10 or 15 minutes is better than no TM at all 🙂
If you’re working away from home
- Meditate at home as usual, before leaving for work and when you get back.
- Take a TM break in a quiet place at work, such as an office where you can close the door.
- Meditate in your parked car in a safe place, during a work break or before or after work.
If your family is sheltering in place
- Establish regular “quiet times” for parents and kids to slow down and take a breather, with TM practice for meditators and quiet activities for others.
- Stagger your TM sessions with a spouse or partner, trading off to watch young children while you each get a rest.
- Get up earlier to meditate, before the whole household is in gear for work and homeschooling.
- Meditate while young children are resting, such as during afternoon naptime or even after their early bedtime, if need be.
- Create your own friends and family online meditation group and connect at the same time each day for a group meditation via Skype, Zoom, or conference call.
TM support for everyone
- Reboot your TM practice with a free Online TM Refresher Course.
- Enjoy a Zoom Group Meditation with local TM teachers and meditators.
- Recharge with an Online Half-Day TM Retreat through your TM Center.
- Attend TM Talks online, for inspiring knowledge about personal development (more below).
- Contact a local TM teacher to talk about any questions by phone or teleconference.
Find your TM Center to learn more about these programs ►
Share your tips for regular TM practice during this challenging time in the Comments section below.
It’s a great time to take advantage of meditating on a regular basis.
4 Ways to Meditate at the Same Time as Others in the U.S. and Around the World
Now that we’re all searching for ways to dial down individual and collective stress, we invite you to meditate at the same time as others in the comfort of your own home, twice a day, every day.
There are regularly scheduled online Group Meditations led by TM teachers and leaders, as well as U.S. and global TM times for meditating on your own.
Explore what works for you—on a regular basis or on any given day—then mix and match for your schedule and preferences.
1. Be Inspired, Calm Stress, and Meditate with Dr. Tony Nader
These wonderful daily meetings with Dr. Nader on Facebook and Instagram include instruction in techniques for reducing stress and creating calm. He gives beautiful expositions from modern and Vedic science and ends with a five-minute Group Meditation. The meetings are free and open to the public; no registration required.

Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R.
Everyone is welcome to these sessions, whether or not they practice the TM technique. Invite your friends to participate online with Dr. Nader too.
Daily meetings start at
12:00 pm Eastern
11:00 am Central
10:00 am Mountain
9:00 am Pacific
These Facebook meetings will continue at least through April 18, and the replays are available any time. If you are new to the series, you may want to begin with the first one and continue sequentially.
Enjoy replays of Dr. Nader’s meetings and Group Meditations on his Facebook page ►
Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R., is an author, medical doctor, and neuroscientist trained at M.I.T. and Harvard University, and a recognized scholar in the fields of meditation, yoga, and consciousness. As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s successor, Dr. Nader is head of the international TM organizations and oversees Consciousness-BasedSM programs in education, health, business, and other areas, in more than 100 countries. For more information visit
Learn more about Dr. Nader’s Facebook talks and weekly calls for meditators ►
2. TM Connect—Twice-Daily Group Meditations with Bob Roth
A brand-new program called TM Connect is available twice a day, every day, in most U.S. time zones. This program is complimentary for everyone who has taken the TM course; no reservations needed.

Schedule and connection details below
Celebrated TM teacher Bob Roth, CEO of the David Lynch Foundation, is hosting the daily conference calls morning and evening. He provides a few easy reminders on correct TM practice, then leads everyone who is connected in a 20-minute Group Meditation.
TM Connect is very popular, and Zoom has been overloaded. We apologize if you’ve had problems connecting. These instructions should make it easier, but please let us know if you have any difficulty.
Take a screenshot of the schedule, or download TM Connect Times to your device or print it out.
How and When to Connect
For best results, connect by Zoom: Download the Zoom app on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, and use this link: If you join by opening your Zoom app first, click Join, then enter Meeting ID 177-174-913
Second choice, connect by phone: Call (929) 205-6099 or (253) 215-8782, then enter Meeting ID 177-174-913#
Morning 7:00 am or 9:15 am
Evening 6:00 pm
Weekend morning 8:30 am or 9:15 am
Morning 6:00 am or 8:15 am
Evening 5:00 pm
Weekend morning 7:30 am or 8:15 am
Morning 7:15 am or 8:00 am
Evening 6:00 pm
Morning 6:15 am or 7:00 am
Evening 6:00 pm
Morning 5:15 am or 6:00 am
Evening 5:00 pm
We will post connection details and convenient times for Hawaii soon.
How are you enjoying TM Connect? Share your experiences in the Comments section below.
For local online Group Meditations, please contact the TM teachers at your TM Center ►
3. Twice-Daily Meditation Times for the U.S.

Enjoy meditating at the same time as others
Many meditators report “a special feeling,” a greater richness and settledness to their experience when they practice TM with others at the same time—even on their own, from a distance.
Find your time zone in the chart below. Take a screenshot, or download the U.S. TM Schedule for Meditators to your device, or print it to post at home.
Do you practice the TM-Sidhi® program? Here’s the U.S. Super-Radiance Schedule for Sidhas to download to your device or print and post at home.
U.S. TM Schedule
These times are start times for TM practice. No need to call in. Just choose a time, sit comfortably, close the eyes, and begin!
Morning 7:00 am or 9:15 am
Evening 6:00 pm or 6:45 pm
Morning 6:00 am or 8:15 am
Evening 5:00 pm or 5:45 pm
Morning 6:30 am or 7:15 am
Evening 4:45 pm or 6:00 pm
Morning 6:15 am or 7:00 am
Evening 3:45 pm or 6:00 pm
Morning 7:15 am or 8:00 am
Evening 6:00 pm or 6:45 pm
Morning 8:00 am
Evening 6:00 pm
4. Global TM Schedule
Can’t find a time in any of the U.S. time zones that fits your schedule? Check out the World Map with International Meditation Times for schedules in other countries.

There are many new online TM programs to enjoy during this time of sheltering in place.
3 Ways to Enhance Your Personal Growth While Staying at Home
Although many TM Centers need to temporarily close to help halt the spread of the coronavirus, they continue to provide services online to support correct, easy TM practice and offer inspiring knowledge.
There are many new online TM programs to enjoy during this time of sheltering in place. Here are three of our favorites.
1. Looking for More Inspiration and Insight? Attend TM Talks Online
You’re cordially invited to TM Talks, a new weekly webinar series on personal development and the growth of higher states of consciousness, for meditators. These are hosted LIVE every Sunday at 5:00 pm Eastern, and include interviews with experts in the field of meditation and the development of consciousness. Connection details below.
Next TM Talks Webinar
Sunday, April 19, 5:00 pm Eastern
A Conversation with Neuroscientist Dr. Frederick Travis
Brain Integration: Keeping Our Brain Free from the Stress of a Pandemic

Dr. Frederick Travis, brain researcher
Frederick Travis, Ph.D., will discuss the importance of creating greater brain integration, the basis for finding solutions. He will explore the research on how brain integration grows during TM practice, and how such integration is higher in successful athletes, managers, and musicians, and people reporting experiences of enlightenment.
Dr. Travis is a leading researcher on the effects of meditation on brain functioning, peak performance, and higher states of consciousness. He has published 84 scientific papers and authored four books on the subject. He is the Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition at Maharishi International University.
How to Connect
For best results and video: Click on this Zoom link from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. (You will be prompted to install Zoom if it isn’t already on your device.) To enter the meeting, enter your email address and name at the prompt.
If you prefer to call in for audio only: Dial (929) 205-6099 or (253) 215-8782 and enter Meeting ID: 177-174-913#
TM Talks will be followed by the 6:00 p.m. Eastern TM Connect session, led by Bob Roth.
Did you miss the first TM Talks on April 12th, an interview with best-selling author Dr. Norman Rosenthal? Watch Dr. Rosenthal’s “The Value of Transcendence During a Time of Crisis” ►
Upcoming TM Talks: April 26, 5:00 pm Eastern
Sharon Isbin, classical guitarist, has been called “the preeminent guitarist of our time,” is the recipient of multiple Grammy Awards, and founded the guitar department at the Juilliard School.
Isbin will talk about the role of her TM practice in her art and career.
Have you watched TM Talks? Share what inspired you in Comments below.
2. Want to Get Away but Can’t Go Away? Recharge with Online TM Retreats
Online Half-Day TM Retreats offer a morning of revitalizing rest and profound knowledge in the comfort of your own home, connected with other meditators online. Here’s a chance to have deeper experiences and enjoy knowledge about personal development and higher states of consciousness from TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Learn Maharishi Yoga asanas in an Online Half-Day TM Retreat
Online Half-Day TM Retreats Include
- An additional period of TM practice and group checking
- Easy-to-practice Maharishi YogaSM asanas (positions) and breathing exercises, taught online
- Time for in-depth questions and answers with a TM teacher
- Exclusive video presentations of Maharishi
Certified TM teachers lead these carefully structured programs, allowing you to fully rest, free of responsibilities for a few hours. All you need is a quiet, comfortable space without interruptions.
Contact your TM Center about the next Online Half-Day TM Retreat in your area ►
3. Need a TM Refresher? Take One Online

TM Centers offer Online TM Refresher Courses
Take a free Online TM Refresher Course to review the principles of effortless, correct TM practice, and have a chance to ask all your questions with a TM teacher. These reviews are offered as either a one-hour or a three-hour class. Check your local TM Center for the next Refresher Course ►
If you have a TM question requiring individual attention, contact your local TM teacher to make an appointment ►
We wish you and your family health and safety. Enjoy diving within twice a day with thousands of meditators around the country and the world.
As Director of Development of Consciousness for (MIU) online students, I enjoy all of the recent initiatives (TM Connect, Dr. Nader’s Facebook events and Q and A sessions on Thursdays), as a way to enrich my knowledge as a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation. Is there a way of finding out when Bob Roth answers questions during his online meditation sessions. After the meditation, what time for Eastern Time zone. JGD.
Thanks for your good question, Julie, and your wonderful work at MIU! Bob Roth offers TM practice reminders at the beginning of the scheduled TM Connect times, before the 20-minute Group Meditation, in the morning and the evening. For Eastern time zone the times are Morning 7:00 am or 9:15 am, and Evening 6:00 pm. Notes that weekend mornings are 8:30 am or 9:15 am EDT. Here’s the full TM Connect schedule if any of the other times are more convenient. Enjoy!
Thank you so much, Harbour! That is exactly what I needed to know. I hold TM online group checking sessions several times per week for our DE students. is such a beautifully designed and helpful resource for our TM family at all times, and particularly now during this pandemic.
Thanks so much, Julie! Our team is trying to do whatever we can to help. Please let us know if there’s more we can do! All the best to you all at MIU and in Fairfield.
TM Connect is fabulous! I just started a couple of days ago and it helps me to feel deeply connected and powerfully supported in this time. Thank you Bob Roth and TM! I would like to suggest that we continue to offer online group meditations beyond this pandemic. So many meditators getting together at the same time is a powerful way to benefit each person individually but also the collective. We should be proactively seeking to elevate the consciousness of the planet at all times- not just during a pandemic! We need to shift the world into a higher state of consciousness. This a great way to do it and has powerful benefits to the individual. My meditations are so much deeper with the group and I feel powerfully supported by the collective field generated by all of us together. What a blessing! I’ve been doing TM for almost 6 years now and it’s like a turbo booster. Love it! Thank you!
Thank you for your great comment, Sonja! Your description of the depth and impact of meditating together is beautiful and compelling. And I’m happy to say that TM Connect will be an ongoing program, beyond this pandemic, for all the reasons you articulate so well. It was in development before the coronavirus hit, then quickly brought out to meet the current need. It will now be a continuing service for everyone who practices TM. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful experiences and suggestions!
I am so loving TM Connect, thank you Bob Roth!!! The twice daily meditations are just what I’ve been needing to get back on track with my daily meditations. Just joining in these past few days has made such a high impact on me, TM has truly become my lifeline to get through the stress of the craziness of the world right now. There are not enough thank you’s but thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! Namaste!
Thanks for your wonderful comment, Gita! We’re so glad to hear you’re gaining so much from your TM Connect meditations—just what the TM organization hoped for in setting up this program. Thank you, and keep meditating and staying healthy!