Full Stories

Creativity & the Arts

March 1, 2017

A Lifeline to a Calmer, More Connected, More Creative Version of Myself

Storyteller and Yoga instructor Tracy Chipman finds TM after a long search: “I love sharing this story because it just illustrates the saying, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’ ” (Read more)

Better Health

December 16, 2018

My TM Practice Helped Save My Life

Cin Langston recovered from cardiac arrest and a coma to live fully again. “I don’t think I would have survived the cardiac arrest with such minimal damage to my brain if I hadn’t taken the leap and learned TM,” she writes.

Business Success

May 25, 2017

One of My Top 3 Decisions

Larry Comp: “Like many of us, I grew up in a dysfunctional family. I suffered from a great deal of stress, struggled with grades, and had a very bad temper. One summer vacation, I was working night crew, stocking grocery shelves with one of my buddies… He told me that he did TM, which I had never heard of…” (Read more)


February 15, 2019

Feels Like Coming Home

“I was home. Peace like I remembered. Bliss like I hadn’t tasted in 15 years. A calm, expansion, fearlessness, and invincibility I had yearned for all my life,” writes Ulrike Selleck.

Personal Growth

June 27, 2017

The Interconnectedness of the Universe

“The first time I did the TM technique I thought, ‘This is it!’ The peace that swept through me was the thing I was looking for,” writes Michael Funk. “I haven’t missed a day since, and every time I practice, I still come out with that feeling.”

Better Health

May 3, 2019

My Journey from Physician to TM Teacher

“To be able to pass on this simple formula for experiencing inner silence and enlivening the innate intelligence of the mind and body has been the fulfillment of my dream of really helping people to live better lives,” writes D. Edwards Smith, M.D.

Better Health

September 8, 2017

My New and Improved Brain

Jessica Hatchette shares how TM helped her recover from a traumatic injury: “I’m better today than I was before I started TM. In addition to getting my old brain function back, I’m more kind, patient, resilient, present, calm, and compassionate.”

Personal Growth

May 30, 2019

Trekking 1000s of Miles with TM

“I am 68 years old and have gone back to being an avid trekker,” writes Ted Stekkinger. “I realized that you are never too old to go after your dreams, and my Transcendental Meditation practice has helped me realize those dreams.”

Better Health

August 17, 2016

How TM Saved My Life

Jennifer Jarosik: “Now, given my experience with Transcendental Meditation, having actually practiced it, I can say it has not only changed but also saved my life…” (Read more)

Business Success

August 2, 2018

Former Sony Exec Talks about TM and the Art of Developing Emotional Intelligence

Insights from the former president of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, David Bishop: “The evidence is mounting that for anyone who is, or aspires to be, a leader, Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) can be a vital component in maximizing one’s effectiveness. In my own career, my TM practice proved to be invaluable.”

Creativity & the Arts

December 9, 2019

Reclaiming My Poetic Voice

“Practicing the TM technique has helped me reconnect with my creative gifts,” writes Anna Colton. “What a delicious surprise all of this has been, to reignite a creative flame which I had thought was forever lost to me!” Read more and three of her poems.

Business Success

October 19, 2016

My Company Rehab: How TM Helps Build Teamwork

Nancy Slomowitz: “The Transcendental Meditation technique has been part of my business toolkit throughout my career. However, I didn’t realize its real significance for many years…” (Read more)

Personal Growth

May 30, 2019

Trekking 1000s of Miles with TM

“I am 68 years old and have gone back to being an avid trekker,” writes Ted Stekkinger. “I realized that you are never too old to go after your dreams, and my Transcendental Meditation practice has helped me realize those dreams.”

Better Health

May 3, 2019

My Journey from Physician to TM Teacher

“To be able to pass on this simple formula for experiencing inner silence and enlivening the innate intelligence of the mind and body has been the fulfillment of my dream of really helping people to live better lives,” writes D. Edwards Smith, M.D.


February 15, 2019

Feels Like Coming Home

“I was home. Peace like I remembered. Bliss like I hadn’t tasted in 15 years. A calm, expansion, fearlessness, and invincibility I had yearned for all my life,” writes Ulrike Selleck.

Better Health

December 16, 2018

My TM Practice Helped Save My Life

Cin Langston recovered from cardiac arrest and a coma to live fully again. “I don’t think I would have survived the cardiac arrest with such minimal damage to my brain if I hadn’t taken the leap and learned TM,” she writes.

Business Success

November 10, 2018

A Wellspring of Problem-Solving Creativity

Mark Hess: “Quieting the inner dialogue allows for the brain’s waves to settle, to change to another channel, and for a wellspring of new information, new artistic expression, and problem-solving to emerge…” (Read more)


September 7, 2018

When “Support of Nature” Comes Rolling In

“My friends and family have expressed astonishment at this turnaround from a low point to an extravagant fulfillment of desires. They keep asking me what happened, and I point to the TM® technique!” writes Marielle Valenzuela.

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