March 1, 2017
“I walked outside for a few minutes after meditating last night, and I realized that after 48 years of doing TM, the same sense of being completely prepared had come that has been coming after meditation ever since I first learned—a sense of joy, a sense that life was a beautiful dance of many dances, and complete confidence.” —Chett Breed, emeritus university English professor
January 24, 2017
Diane Erbeznik: “I truly believe that TM saved my sanity on many occasions. Statistically, a single mom of three daughters should have been on welfare, a grandmother at a very early age, and unsuccessful. None of those things happened—and I attribute that to handling my stress through TM…” (Read more)
January 24, 2017
“When I was learning TM, I was also losing someone very special to me, and I was hurting. I found that when I went into a good meditation, it went deeper than thought or emotion and the pain was completely gone! …I still practice TM regularly twice a day, as it has enriched my life in so many ways for almost two years now. I will never stop.” —Michael Ingold, massage therapist
January 24, 2017
“Meditation is as fresh today as it was 44 years ago. Really? 44 years? Yes, it’s true. And the happiness I feel as a result of my practice abides within, flows freely, and expands my heart in ways I could never have imagined. I love it!” —Patti Steurer, customer service agent
January 24, 2017
“I’ve been practicing TM now for about six months, and it has really been a boon… I have noticed that I’m less anxious, more focused, have more energy, and am generally more at peace with myself, and others’ ‘stuff’ that used to bother me just doesn’t anymore. It’s been life-changing!” —Tony Coretto, entrepreneur
January 24, 2017
“I’ve been practicing TM now for about six months, and it has really been a boon… I have noticed that I’m less anxious, more focused, have more energy, and am generally more at peace with myself, and others’ ‘stuff’ that used to bother me just doesn’t anymore. It’s been life-changing!” —Tony Coretto, entrepreneur
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