April 4, 2018
“While I could write a book about each individual benefit I’ve found from TM, the most extraordinary change I experienced as I shifted to working for myself is the abundance of time,” writes Kat Maund, who started her own home-staging and interior-design business in Portland, Oregon.
January 12, 2018
“For me, there is a ‘before TM’ and an ‘after TM.’ I can’t explain it, but it changed my brain and continues to transform and improve my life. It gave me the opportunity to experience and fully feel joy again. I am forever grateful and will never be the same person.” —Britt Fradet, physical therapist, Issaquah, WA
September 8, 2017
D.M.: “Life has been a lot less stressful. Actually, I notice I have little to no stress… My mind seems clear, and I really don’t feel anxious anymore. You probably hear things like this all of the time, but for me this is a miracle!” (Read more)
April 4, 2018
“While I could write a book about each individual benefit I’ve found from TM, the most extraordinary change I experienced as I shifted to working for myself is the abundance of time,” writes Kat Maund, who started her own home-staging and interior-design business in Portland, Oregon.
August 7, 2020
Christian Dior executive Donna Hauser writes, “If I could think of one way to describe my initial encounter with the TM technique, it was a peace and a ‘slowing down’ that I never thought I could allow myself. Who has time to add one more task to an already chaotic life? We all do. And we must. By starting TM, I allowed and gave myself room to breathe.”
January 24, 2017
“Meditation is as fresh today as it was 44 years ago. Really? 44 years? Yes, it’s true. And the happiness I feel as a result of my practice abides within, flows freely, and expands my heart in ways I could never have imagined. I love it!” —Patti Steurer, customer service agent
April 3, 2021
Oded Shefer, founder and CEO of CPattern, describes the accelerated growth in his personal and business lives since learning the TM Advanced Techniques. “I was practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for many years, thinking I was driving a race car,” he writes. “Now I am on a jet plane.”
January 24, 2017
“When I was learning TM, I was also losing someone very special to me, and I was hurting. I found that when I went into a good meditation, it went deeper than thought or emotion and the pain was completely gone! …I still practice TM regularly twice a day, as it has enriched my life in so many ways for almost two years now. I will never stop.” —Michael Ingold, massage therapist
March 1, 2017
Storyteller and Yoga instructor Tracy Chipman finds TM after a long search: “I love sharing this story because it just illustrates the saying, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’ ” (Read more)
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