10 Things Every Meditator Should Know

A TM Primer and Quiz

When’s the best time to meditate? What’s the best position to sit in for TM practice? Is it possible to meditate even in a noisy place? What if I get sleepy? Why is the TM technique so easy compared to other techniques? What support is there after I take the course? I started TM to reduce stress—what’s the deal with “enlightenment”? Find Answers & Take the Quiz ►

Better Health

May 11, 2021

Exploring the Connectome: A New Approach to Integrative Medicine | 19:41

There’s an urgent need for effective alternative approaches to health care in a post-pandemic world. Mind-body medical professionals join hands to create a new model that incorporates the four domains of health in the connectome, “health artisanry,” and more.

May 11, 2021

Deepen Your TM Experience and Strengthen Your Health! Maharishi Yoga Webinars on Fridays and Sundays

Learn more about free online instruction and practice in Maharishi YogaSM Asanas and Pranayama on Fridays at 5:00 p.m. ET and Sundays at 11:00 a.m. ET, followed by a group meditation.

May 11, 2021

Become an Ayurveda Practitioner

Online M.S. in Maharishi AyurVeda® and Integrative Medicine at Maharishi International University • Join the only accredited Master of Science in Ayurveda in the U.S. • Integrate Ayurvedic knowledge with modern health science • Engage with a supportive community of like-minded students • Federal loans typically cover all costs

The Arts

May 2, 2021

The Healing Power of Poetry | 51:18

Norman Rosenthal, M.D., world-renowned psychiatrist, researcher, and best-selling author, talks about his latest book, Poetry Rx, and how the sounds, rhythms, and ideas in poems can heal, inspire, and bring joy. He also talks about the impact of his daily TM practice on his work and writing.

The Arts

April 18, 2021

A Lifetime of Music | 53:38

Sheree Brown, singer, songwriter, musician, producer, and teacher, began her career as a rhythm and blues recording artist for Capitol Records. Her newest album includes her hit single “Take a Walk with Love.” She talks about how 40+ years of TM practice has impacted her life and music, and her current focus on helping young people.

Business Success

April 4, 2021

Innovation Is Everybody’s Business | 50:27

Nigel Barlow, an international business coach, consultant, and author who has worked with the world’s leading organizations (Apple, BBC, Lexus, Microsoft, Nestlé, etc.), discusses rapid change in global companies, and how the TM technique can help enhance the elements for success—creativity and innovation.

TM in the News

August 5, 2015

3,000 Turn Out for Katy Perry, Sting, Seinfeld at “Meditate New York”

Did you miss David Lynch Foundation’s 2015 “Change Begins Within” benefit? Thanks to Rolling Stone magazine, we’ve got the scoop!

October 13, 2018

Enhance Your Experience and Understanding

Knowledge Meetings re-establish easy, effortless, correct TM practice and explore the science of consciousness—with plenty of time for questions. Free and open to everyone who has learned the TM technique!

Better Health

June 12, 2020

Want to Sleep Better? Sync Your Circadian Rhythms with Nature

In this Stay Calm podcast in the iHeartRadio series, Bob Roth offers simple tips for healthier rest during quarantine from Dr. Norman Rosenthal, the world-renowned psychiatrist, medical researcher, and best-selling author.


September 7, 2021

Harmony of Differences and Waves of Bliss—the Most Highly Evolved State of Human Existence | 24:08

In this historic talk from 1970, TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi explains the growth of the ultimate state of enlightenment: “Unity dominates in perception, in thinking, in action, and this is what is called behaving in Unity—walking and talking and perceiving, experiencing all in terms of Unity.”

TM in the News

November 1, 2019

“Silence the Violence” Concert Highlights + Women of Vision Awards, Dec. 3

The latest news from the David Lynch Foundation, from the packed-house benefit concert to teach TM to 10,000 children and families in Washington, D.C., to the upcoming Women of Vision Awards honoring Donna Karan, Deborah-lee Furness, and other remarkable humanitarians.

Science & Research

April 3, 2021

Nature or Nurture—or Both? Simple Answers to the Big Questions in Life | 18:44

Is our health, happiness, and success determined by DNA or by upbringing? Dr. Tony Nader talks with Bob Roth about epigenetics, and how the effects of transcending allow us not only to live healthier, happier lives now, but can also be passed on to the next generation.

“If we expose our system to this profound rest every day at the same time, then the cycle of rest and activity and freshness gets established. All effort should be made to be regular in meditation.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Personal Growth

11 Ways to Enjoy Your TM Practice on Vacation

Personal Growth

Welcome to Maharishi Yoga Asanas

Science & Research

20 Tips for TM Twice a Day

Better Health

How Is TM Different from Mindfulness, in Practice and Effects?

Better Health

The Benefits of Regular, Twice-Daily Meditation

Enlightenment Series

Cosmic Consciousness—Living the Fullness of Inner Silence and Bliss 24 Hours a Day

Personal Growth

20 Places to Meditate on the Go

Helping Others

Celebrating 50 Years of Teaching TM in African American Communities, 1969–2019

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