10 Things Every Meditator Should Know

A TM Primer and Quiz

When’s the best time to meditate? What’s the best position to sit in for TM practice? Is it possible to meditate even in a noisy place? What if I get sleepy? Why is the TM technique so easy compared to other techniques? What support is there after I take the course? I started TM to reduce stress—what’s the deal with “enlightenment”? Find Answers & Take the Quiz ►

TM Talks

October 11, 2020

Fluid Motion and Peak Performance | 51:15

Steven Yellin, developer of the training program The Fluid Motion Factor for professional golfers who have won five Major championships, as well as national and Olympic teams around the world, discusses how the TM technique helps professional and collegiate athletes gain the experience of “frictionless flow.”

Vedic Knowledge

October 11, 2020

The Neuroscience of Enlightenment: How the Experience of Transcending Cultures the Brain to Maintain Deep Inner Calm | 1:06:38

Fred Travis, Ph.D., one of the most published researchers on meditation, has 87 papers on brain functioning and states of consciousness. He explains how the TM technique cultures the nervous system to maintain the experience of deep inner calm and wakefulness even while the body is active or in deep sleep.

Better Health

October 10, 2020

Discovering the Coherence Effect: Learn How Foods, Life­style, and TM Prac­tice Can Trans­form Mind and Body | 1:04:30

Robert Keith Wallace, Ph.D., a pioneering researcher on the physiology of consciousness whose work has been published in Science, American Journal of Physiology, and Scientific American, explains how TM practice and Maharishi AyurVeda® help rewire the brain and rebalance the gut-brain axis for maximum health and happiness.

Personal Growth

October 7, 2020

National Coherence Campaign of 2020–2021

The original National Coherence Campaign for Online Super-Radiance began on October 7, 2020, and concluded on November 30, 2021, with Governors and

TM Talks

October 4, 2020

The Calming Power of Music During Uncalm Times | 52:06

Jane Roman Pitt, award-winning singer-songwriter with six albums with some of the best folk, jazz, and country artists in the U.S., discusses music’s ability not only to stimulate but also to soothe us in times of stress. She talks about writing and recording music with a positive, calming influence, such as songs about meditation and consciousness.


October 4, 2020

Transforming Lives from the Inside Out with the David Lynch Foundation | 1:01:44

Bob Roth, David Lynch Foundation CEO, interviews DLF leaders about their work bringing TM® to key areas of society: Rena Boone, Regional Coordinator, Washington, D.C.; Executive Director, The Meditation Center; Joshua Pittman, Senior Manager, Veterans Programs; Lynn Kaplan, Regional Director, Los Angeles.

David Lynch Foundation

June 1, 2019

Powerful Stories of Women and Girls Changing from Within | 4:19

An uplifting look at how the David Lynch Foundation Center for Women and Girls is providing the tool to transform the lives of those who have suffered abuse, addiction, and PTSD.

Science & Research

June 13, 2017

Explore the Power of Group TM Practice on the Brain  | 19:56

Using EEG, Drs. Alaric and Cynthia Arenander demonstrate how, with group practice of the TM technique, meditators experience deeper silence and greater brain coherence, which underlies more successful thinking and behavior.


November 1, 2019

Michelangelo’s Sculpture Energizes Awareness

Discover universal principles of consciousness in the magnificent work of Michelangelo, and develop greater creativity and success in your own life. To experience these and other artworks in person, enjoy the MUM Tour of Italy in May 2020.

My Story

February 17, 2015

An Effortless Kind of Happy

“The first time I did TM, I felt like I had come home. Tears ran from my eyes because I felt so deep and so connected.” —Antwan Penn, student at Maharishi University of Management


August 5, 2016

Where Do Thoughts Come From? | 2:34

Maharishi: It is very amazing that even though all of us have been thinking right from the beginning of our life, rarely we have thought, “Where was the thought before we thought it?”

December 15, 2020

Limber Up, Settle Down, Integrate Mind and Body!

Free online Maharishi YogaSM Asanas instruction and practice every Friday at 5:00 p.m. ET and Sunday at 11:00 a.m. ET, followed by a group meditation. Learn more and register for upcoming webinars!

“If we expose our system to this profound rest every day at the same time, then the cycle of rest and activity and freshness gets established. All effort should be made to be regular in meditation.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

My Story

Why Didn’t I Do This 20 Years Ago?

“After just a few days of practicing TM, I noticed I was sleeping better, gaining greater insight into my studies, and felt calmer, less anxious, and more cheerful. I was filled with love for life, and just more relaxed,” writes Edward Nydle.
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