10 Things Every Meditator Should Know

A TM Primer and Quiz

When’s the best time to meditate? What’s the best position to sit in for TM practice? Is it possible to meditate even in a noisy place? What if I get sleepy? Why is the TM technique so easy compared to other techniques? What support is there after I take the course? I started TM to reduce stress—what’s the deal with “enlightenment”? Find Answers & Take the Quiz ►

Personal Growth

September 7, 2018

Discovering the Love We Dream about, within Ourselves | 2:11

Enjoy this recent video, with over 500,000 views, from the head of the worldwide TM® organizations, Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R., and expand the way you see yourself and the world.


September 7, 2018

David Lynch Foundation Awarded Highest 4-Star Rating

The David Lynch FoundationSM (DLF) has taught the TM technique to one million at-risk individuals worldwide. Charity Navigator, a leading evaluator of nonprofits, awarded DLF its highest possible rating, for financial health, program growth, accountability, and transparency.

Vedic Knowledge

September 7, 2018

How to Sync Your Day with the Rhythms of Nature | 2:42

Time your sleep, meals, and exercise with nature for maximum health and happiness. Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, expert in Maharishi AyurVeda®, offers simple, easy-to-follow lifestyle tips from the world’s oldest system of natural healthcare.

September 7, 2018

When “Support of Nature” Comes Rolling In

“My friends and family have expressed astonishment at this turnaround from a low point to an extravagant fulfillment of desires. They keep asking me what happened, and I point to the TM® technique!” writes Marielle Valenzuela.

September 7, 2018

Is Your Meditation Effortless?

Correct TM practice is easy and effortless, resulting in maximum benefits. A free personal TM Checking puts you back on track!

Enlightenment Series

August 2, 2018

Exploring Science, Consciousness, and the Furthest Reaches of Human Potential | 3:42

Meet the head of the international Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) organizations, Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R., a medical doctor, MIT- and Harvard-trained neuroscientist, and Vedic scholar.

February 28, 2020

Unfold Your Unbounded Potential and Help Others Discover Their Own

Curious about becoming a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique? Speak with your local Certified TM teacher and check out the 2020 TM Teacher Training Course.

April 2, 2017

Explore Maharishi University’s Online Enrichment Classes

Now you can enjoy MUM’s popular online courses in sustainability, organic agriculture, natural health care, cooking, and more—from your own home!

June 28, 2019

Deepen Your Knowledge and Experience with an MA in Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM

Focus on inner development • Master practical knowledge to transform your life • Enjoy TM retreats • Examine the traditional literature and modern science of consciousness • Full-time residential (1 year) or part-time online (3 years) • TM Teacher Training Course (optional) • Financial aid available for eligible students

May 25, 2017

What Makes MIU a Healthy University?

At Maharishi International University, we care about our students’ health. That’s why we serve organic, vegetarian, freshly prepared meals daily in our campus dining hall.

November 1, 2021

Live Webinars on MIU Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Ayurveda

Integrate Ayurvedic knowledge with modern health science in an online MS or an online or on-campus BA • Receive hands-on clinical training • Engage with a supportive community of like-minded students • Most US citizens and permanent residents qualify for federal aid options

June 1, 2019

Is Your Meditation Easy and Effortless?

Maximum benefits result from correct TM practice. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your meditation with a free, personal TM Checking.

“If we expose our system to this profound rest every day at the same time, then the cycle of rest and activity and freshness gets established. All effort should be made to be regular in meditation.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Personal Growth

11 Ways to Enjoy Your TM Practice on Vacation

Personal Growth

Welcome to Maharishi Yoga Asanas

Science & Research

20 Tips for TM Twice a Day

Better Health

How Is TM Different from Mindfulness, in Practice and Effects?

Better Health

The Benefits of Regular, Twice-Daily Meditation

Enlightenment Series

Cosmic Consciousness—Living the Fullness of Inner Silence and Bliss 24 Hours a Day

Personal Growth

20 Places to Meditate on the Go

Helping Others

Celebrating 50 Years of Teaching TM in African American Communities, 1969–2019

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