10 Things Every Meditator Should Know

A TM Primer and Quiz

When’s the best time to meditate? What’s the best position to sit in for TM practice? Is it possible to meditate even in a noisy place? What if I get sleepy? Why is the TM technique so easy compared to other techniques? What support is there after I take the course? I started TM to reduce stress—what’s the deal with “enlightenment”? Find Answers & Take the Quiz ►


June 12, 2020

Now More Than Ever—A “Self-Care Toolkit” for Every Student

Children and teens have already been facing an epidemic of stress, and the pandemic has isolated them from many outer supports. Dr. Richard Beall, co-head of Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa, shares how a unique, evidence-based curriculum helps kids ground and nurture themselves from within.

June 12, 2020

Are You a Social Innovator? MIU Seeks Faculty and Mentors to Empower Students to Solve the World’s Challenges

Do you have expertise in a field that can improve the world? HealthEnvironmentSocial JusticeBusinessEducationPublic PolicyMore? Maharishi International University seeks faculty and mentors for new practical programs to empower students to build impactful careers while developing solutions for the world’s greatest challenges. Please fill out our form to learn more.

Better Health

June 7, 2020

What Lies Ahead? Dealing with a Drastically Changing World | 54:20

Hassan Tetteh, M.D., M.B.A., Health Mission Chief at the U.S. Dept. of Defense, Navy Captain, Assoc. Prof. of Surgery at the Uniformed Services University, thoracic surgeon at Walter Reed, and best-selling author, talks about how the current pandemic will change the world and offers life-saving strategies to take charge.

Better Health

May 31, 2020

Kids, Families, and the Coronavirus—Why Overcoming Stress Is More Important Than Ever (Parts 1 & 2) | 51:27

William Stixrud, Ph.D., clinical neuropsychologist and best-selling author, discusses how the pandemic causes extreme stress for kids, teens, and parents. He explains teen depression and anxiety, why a sense of control and intrinsic motivation is vital for lifelong happiness, and how TM practice helps our brains adapt to change.


May 17, 2020

The Extraordinary Story of the David Lynch Foundation | 54:08

Bob Roth, DLF CEO, Rena Boone, DLF Regional Director for Washington, D.C., and Raisa Martinez, DLF Senior Manager of Education, share the extraordinary journey of how the Foundation has helped transform the world, bringing the TM technique to over a million at-risk children and adults in 35 countries.

Personal Growth

May 14, 2020

Strengthen Your TM Practice with TM Connect

Join the twice-daily Group Meditations with Bob Roth simply by calling in, and catch the wonderful wave of silence generated by 2,000 to 4,000 people meditating together on each call.


March 27, 2019

50th Anniversary of Bringing TM to Communities of Color—Webcast Video

Enjoy inspiring talks, videos, and music by key figures in Transcendental Meditation Center (TMC), Inc., the organization founded in 1969 to teach in underserved U.S. communities and around the world. Pioneering TMC initiatives in education, rehabilitation, and research still bear fruit today.

Vedic Knowledge

September 8, 2017

7 Great Reasons to Explore

Enjoy life, get connected, and be inspired! Find out what Enjoy TM can do for you.

August 1, 2019

Attend a TM Knowledge Meeting to Enhance Your Experience and Understanding

Knowledge Meetings re-establish easy, effortless, correct TM practice and explore the science of consciousness—with plenty of time for questions. Free and open to everyone who has learned the TM technique!

March 22, 2017

Get Back on Track—Enjoy a Free One-Hour TM Refresher Course!

Enjoy a group meditation and Checking, renew your understanding of the mechanics, and have all your questions answered!


May 25, 2016

Success at Aspire Ollin Prep Academy | 3:25

Discover what administrators, teachers, and students report about the TM®-based Quiet Time program at Aspire Ollin Preparatory Academy.

August 1, 2019

Maharishi International University, Home of Consciousness-Based Education

What is Consciousness-BasedSM education? Check out our new webpage! Watch a video of our Founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, speaking at Harvard Law School on “Expanding the Container of Knowledge.”

“If we expose our system to this profound rest every day at the same time, then the cycle of rest and activity and freshness gets established. All effort should be made to be regular in meditation.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Personal Growth

11 Ways to Enjoy Your TM Practice on Vacation

Personal Growth

Welcome to Maharishi Yoga Asanas

Science & Research

20 Tips for TM Twice a Day

Better Health

How Is TM Different from Mindfulness, in Practice and Effects?

Better Health

The Benefits of Regular, Twice-Daily Meditation

Enlightenment Series

Cosmic Consciousness—Living the Fullness of Inner Silence and Bliss 24 Hours a Day

Personal Growth

20 Places to Meditate on the Go

Helping Others

Celebrating 50 Years of Teaching TM in African American Communities, 1969–2019

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