My Story

Business Success

April 3, 2021

A High-Tech Entrepreneur’s Experience with Advanced Techniques of TM

Oded Shefer, founder and CEO of CPattern, describes the accelerated growth in his personal and business lives since learning the TM Advanced Techniques. “I was practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for many years, thinking I was driving a race car,” he writes. “Now I am on a jet plane.”

Personal Growth

February 28, 2020

Discovering the Unity in All Things

Adile Esen, Ph.D., shares how she learned ways to enrich her experiences and find greater happiness and success on the path to enlightenment. “I would be walking and talking, and at the same time feel great wholeness and oneness—a sense of total unity with everything around me,” she writes.

Personal Growth

January 4, 2020

Why Didn’t I Do This 20 Years Ago?

“After just a few days of practicing TM, I noticed I was sleeping better, gaining greater insight into my studies, and felt calmer, less anxious, and more cheerful. I was filled with love for life, and just more relaxed,” says Edward Nydle.

Creativity & the Arts

December 9, 2019

Reclaiming My Poetic Voice

“Practicing the TM technique has helped me reconnect with my creative gifts,” writes Anna Colton. “What a delicious surprise all of this has been, to reignite a creative flame which I had thought was forever lost to me!” Read more and three of her poems.

Business Success

November 1, 2019

Surviving and Succeeding in a Challenging Career

A female firefighter, medic, and K9 handler for a bomb squad, Kari Lindberg credits her TM practice with helping her not only survive but succeed in a highly-stressful, male-dominated occupation.

Better Health

May 3, 2019

My Journey from Physician to TM Teacher

“To be able to pass on this simple formula for experiencing inner silence and enlivening the innate intelligence of the mind and body has been the fulfillment of my dream of really helping people to live better lives,” writes D. Edwards Smith, M.D.

Better Health

November 9, 2017

Problem Solved

I have tinnitus and found that TM® greatly improved it. Problem solved.” —Ira Breiter, business owner

Better Health

September 8, 2017

Such a Life-Changer in Such a Short Time

D.M.: “Life has been a lot less stressful. Actually, I notice I have little to no stress… My mind seems clear, and I really don’t feel anxious anymore. You probably hear things like this all of the time, but for me this is a miracle!” (Read more)

Personal Growth

June 27, 2017

The Interconnectedness of the Universe

“The first time I did the TM technique I thought, ‘This is it!’ The peace that swept through me was the thing I was looking for,” writes Michael Funk. “I haven’t missed a day since, and every time I practice, I still come out with that feeling.”

Personal Growth

January 4, 2020

Why Didn’t I Do This 20 Years Ago?

“After just a few days of practicing TM, I noticed I was sleeping better, gaining greater insight into my studies, and felt calmer, less anxious, and more cheerful. I was filled with love for life, and just more relaxed,” says Edward Nydle.

Better Health

September 8, 2017

My New and Improved Brain

Jessica Hatchette shares how TM helped her recover from a traumatic injury: “I’m better today than I was before I started TM. In addition to getting my old brain function back, I’m more kind, patient, resilient, present, calm, and compassionate.”

Personal Growth

February 28, 2020

Discovering the Unity in All Things

Adile Esen, Ph.D., shares how she learned ways to enrich her experiences and find greater happiness and success on the path to enlightenment. “I would be walking and talking, and at the same time feel great wholeness and oneness—a sense of total unity with everything around me,” she writes.

Business Success

April 3, 2021

A High-Tech Entrepreneur’s Experience with Advanced Techniques of TM

Oded Shefer, founder and CEO of CPattern, describes the accelerated growth in his personal and business lives since learning the TM Advanced Techniques. “I was practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for many years, thinking I was driving a race car,” he writes. “Now I am on a jet plane.”

Personal Growth

November 9, 2017

On TM, Lifting Barbells, and Smelling the Roses

At 63, Laura Eiman reconnected with her TM practice, became a champion weightlifter, and finally started finding inner peace and happiness.

Business Success

April 4, 2018

An Extraordinary Abundance of Time

“While I could write a book about each individual benefit I’ve found from TM, the most extraordinary change I experienced as I shifted to working for myself is the abundance of time,” writes Kat Maund, who started her own home-staging and interior-design business in Portland, Oregon.

Better Health

May 4, 2018

A Gift for Myself: Recovering from Lyme

“I am a year into my TM practice, and nearly all of the Lyme symptoms are gone,” writes Donna Faulkner. “Now I’m enjoying the other benefits of the practice, such as joy-filled days of creativity, energy, purposefulness, and peacefulness.”


February 15, 2019

Feels Like Coming Home

“I was home. Peace like I remembered. Bliss like I hadn’t tasted in 15 years. A calm, expansion, fearlessness, and invincibility I had yearned for all my life,” writes Ulrike Selleck.

Better Health

May 3, 2019

My Journey from Physician to TM Teacher

“To be able to pass on this simple formula for experiencing inner silence and enlivening the innate intelligence of the mind and body has been the fulfillment of my dream of really helping people to live better lives,” writes D. Edwards Smith, M.D.

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