10 Things Every Meditator Should Know

A TM Primer and Quiz

When’s the best time to meditate? What’s the best position to sit in for TM practice? Is it possible to meditate even in a noisy place? What if I get sleepy? Why is the TM technique so easy compared to other techniques? What support is there after I take the course? I started TM to reduce stress—what’s the deal with “enlightenment”? Find Answers & Take the Quiz ►

Individual & Society

September 27, 2020

Fairfield, Iowa: A Vision of the Potential of Small Towns in America | 1:03:37

Fairfield, Iowa, home of Maharishi International University and known as the most entrepreneurial small city in America, is a model for rural towns around the country. Former mayor Ed Malloy talks about what makes Fairfield a success—and a great place to live.

Better Health

September 27, 2020

What Is Immune Regenerative Medicine, and Can TM Practice Be Useful in Recovery? | 51:24

Dipnarine Maharaj, M.D., a pioneer in Regenerative Medicine, Founder/Medical Director of South Florida Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant Institute, and widely published in leading medical journals, discusses his pioneering work and the potential of TM practice to strengthen the immune system.

Individual & Society

September 26, 2020

Healing the Global Pandemic of Trauma and Toxic Stress | 1:01:00

Bob Roth, author of New York Times bestseller Strength in Stillness and CEO of the David Lynch Found­ation, which has taught TM® to over a million at-risk adults and youth, talks about the TM program in businesses, schools, and hospitals for over­coming stress and developing the full potential of the individual.

Vedic Knowledge

September 20, 2020

Secrets of Emotional Balance: 10 Ways to Even Out Your Emotions in Uneven Times | 1:13:10

Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D., one of the nation’s most prominent Ayurvedic doctors, shares 3 paths to emotional balance, 5 proven ways to boost your bliss, how to know your emotional “type,” and key tips for you.

Vedic Knowledge

September 19, 2020

The Treasure within Us: Discovering the Core Message in the World’s Spiritual Traditions | 1:09:20

Craig Pearson, Ph.D., author of The Supreme Awakening: Experiences of Enlightenment Throughout Time, illuminates descriptions of extraordinary wakefulness and bliss, to uncover the core teaching of great religions and wisdom traditions.

Vedic Knowledge

September 13, 2020

Maharishi AyurVeda at MIU | 1:30:24

Sankari Wegman, Keith Wallace, Ph.D., Robert Schneider, M.D., and Maharishi International University faculty explain how the natural health system of Ayurveda is unique, give tips to boost immunity during the pandemic, and discuss MIU training programs in Maharishi AyurVeda.


December 16, 2018

15 Great Gift Ideas for 2018

Still looking for the perfect last-minute gift? Order these TM favorites from home! Talks and classic books by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, harmonizing melodies of India, elevating music and videos, eBooks, and more.


September 7, 2018

David Lynch Foundation Awarded Highest 4-Star Rating

The David Lynch FoundationSM (DLF) has taught the TM technique to one million at-risk individuals worldwide. Charity Navigator, a leading evaluator of nonprofits, awarded DLF its highest possible rating, for financial health, program growth, accountability, and transparency.


April 12, 2017

Q&A with Dr. John Hagelin: Influence at a Distance—Creating Peace from the Quantum Level | 34:07

On March 25, 2018, about 55,000 participants in the second Global TM Group Meditation listened to Dr. Hagelin, quantum physicist and President of Maharishi International University, as he explained how coherence in collective consciousness helps create world peace.

TM in the News

November 10, 2016

New Study: Inmates Reduce Trauma, Reawaken Humanity

A randomized trial finds the TM technique is transformative for prisoners. “Inmates learn Transcendental Meditation and become more human after a long and isolating period of becoming less human,” says co-author Dr. Tom O’Connor.

Creativity & the Arts

May 20, 2015

Transcendence at Walden Pond

Henry David Thoreau, 1817–1862, USA, writes: “If with closed ears and eyes I consult consciousness for a moment, immediately are all walls and barriers dissipated, earth rolls from under me, and I float…”

Creativity & the Arts

December 9, 2019

Giving the Gift of Inner Peace | 20:06

The Friends of the TM Program provide scholarships for those who lack the resources to begin the TM technique on their own. We invite everyone to become part of this great initiative. The results are life-transforming for thousands.

“If we expose our system to this profound rest every day at the same time, then the cycle of rest and activity and freshness gets established. All effort should be made to be regular in meditation.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Personal Growth

11 Ways to Enjoy Your TM Practice on Vacation

Personal Growth

Welcome to Maharishi Yoga Asanas

Science & Research

20 Tips for TM Twice a Day

Better Health

How Is TM Different from Mindfulness, in Practice and Effects?

Better Health

The Benefits of Regular, Twice-Daily Meditation

Enlightenment Series

Cosmic Consciousness—Living the Fullness of Inner Silence and Bliss 24 Hours a Day

Personal Growth

20 Places to Meditate on the Go

Helping Others

Celebrating 50 Years of Teaching TM in African American Communities, 1969–2019

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