10 Things Every Meditator Should Know

A TM Primer and Quiz

When’s the best time to meditate? What’s the best position to sit in for TM practice? Is it possible to meditate even in a noisy place? What if I get sleepy? Why is the TM technique so easy compared to other techniques? What support is there after I take the course? I started TM to reduce stress—what’s the deal with “enlightenment”? Find Answers & Take the Quiz ►

Individual & Society

February 13, 2022

The Importance of Individual Development in International Development | 57:29

Oren Whyche‑Shaw, President Joseph Biden’s nominee for U.S. Director of the African Development Bank, discusses her career in international development and growing efforts to bring resources to the African continent. She also talks about the importance of her TM practice for her work and personal life.

Better Health

January 23, 2022

Driven to End Drug Addiction | 53:44

Kelvin O. Lim, M.D., Prof. and Research Vice Chair in Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota, discusses his research on neuromodulation and neuroimaging to help those with schizophrenia, traumatic brain injury, and addictions. He also talks about how daily TM practice has impacted his professional and personal life.

Individual & Society

January 16, 2022

Climate Change and Consciousness: Policy, Technology, and Social Coherence | 47:54

Robert C. Stowe, Ph.D., Co‑Director of the Harvard Project on Climate Agreements, discusses climate change policy and how raising individual and collective consciousness can contribute to implementing policies needed for this global challenge. He also talks about key technologies to reduce emissions.


TM Talks

January 2, 2022

The Treasure within Us: Discovering the Core Message in the World’s Spiritual Traditions | 50:03

Craig Pearson, Ph.D., author of The Supreme Awakening: Experiences of Enlightenment Throughout Time, illuminates descriptions of extraordinary wakefulness and bliss, to uncover the core teaching of great religions and wisdom traditions. This encore episode originally aired December 27, 2020.

The Arts

December 12, 2021

Music, Meditation, and the Flow of Consciousness | 49:29

Ed Sarath, Jazz artist and professor, shares his music, reflects on the impact of TM on his work and life, and talks about the inspiration of TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s unique approach to Vedic wisdom. He is Professor of Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation at the University of Michigan, and his books include Black Music Matters: Jazz and the Transformation of Music Studies.

The Arts

December 5, 2021

The Wisdom of the East in Meditation and Music | 47:05

Prof. Srinivas Reddy, a scholar and musician, talks about meditation and music in our lives. He is currently Visiting Asst. Professor of Religious Studies and Contemplative Studies at Brown University, and holds a teaching position in South and Southeast Asian Studies at India Institute of Technology in Gujarat, India. He is a concert sitarist and performs Indian classical music around the world.

Personal Growth

April 14, 2020

TM Tips and Online Programs to Help You Feel “At Home” When You’re Staying Home

Whether you have no time or too much time, it’s a great time to take advantage of the mind-body benefits of TM practice • Meditate with others at U.S. TM times • Call TM Connect for twice-daily Group Meditations • Renew your practice at a free Online TM Refresher Course • Recharge with Online Half-Day TM Retreats • Find inspiration and insight at TM Talks every Sunday • And share your TM experiences in Comments.

Better Health

November 20, 2020

MEDITATE AMERICA for a Healthy Nation—REPLAY of Benefit Celebration and Concert of Dec. 3

During an historic health crisis, the need for the stress-reducing benefits of the TM technique are greater than ever. To meet this need, the U.S. TM organization and the David Lynch Foundation are launching MEDITATE AMERICA, to bring TM® to those under stress and trauma, including healthcare workers, veterans, and vulnerable populations. Enjoy a replay video of the star-studded inauguration held December 3, and help support this national initiative and your local TM Center!

Vedic Knowledge

May 14, 2020

For Better Health and Balance, Take a Free Introduction to Maharishi AyurVeda®

Create a healthier, more balanced physiology for yourself and your family by taking a deep dive into the world’s oldest and most complete system of natural healthcare in this self-paced, free online enrichment course from Maharishi International University.

TM in the News

November 30, 2016

New Research: Effortlessness Is Key to TM Technique | 1:32

Scientists discover brainwave signature of effort-free practice. A study in Brain and Cognition reveals the difference between TM® and other meditative practices—effortlessness is the key.


March 1, 2017

“Making Friend of Foe, Making Love of Hate”: Howard Thurman’s Enlightened Vision

One of the most important figures in African-American history envisions the power of wholeness at our core—and a world where people live in harmony with themselves and each other.

Better Health

March 27, 2019

7 Self-Care Benefits for Professionals: What the Research Says

Less “compassion fatigue.” Greater resilience. Reduced perceived stress. Increased emotional intelligence (EQ). These are just some of the remarkable results of three new studies on the TM technique in the workplace.

Personal Growth

March 5, 2015

Deepen Your Experience with a TM Retreat | 4:11

For Chris Jackson, attending regular TM Retreats during the winter holidays has provided a restful rhythm to his year: “I come away with a tremendous boost in energy and creativity… The practice of TM and the retreats have been essential to my success in this business for 38 years.”

Better Health

February 23, 2015

Native Americans Return to the Sacred | 6:41

“The way I experience meditating is that it calms you, helps your brain work, and helps it grow.” —Tribal student

Creativity & the Arts

February 8, 2015

TM Was the Easiest Thing I Have Ever Done | 5:48

David Lynch Foundation Executive Director, Bob Roth, interviews Cameron Diaz about her personal practice of TM.

“If we expose our system to this profound rest every day at the same time, then the cycle of rest and activity and freshness gets established. All effort should be made to be regular in meditation.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

My Story

Why Didn’t I Do This 20 Years Ago?

“After just a few days of practicing TM, I noticed I was sleeping better, gaining greater insight into my studies, and felt calmer, less anxious, and more cheerful. I was filled with love for life, and just more relaxed,” writes Edward Nydle.
Read more ►

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