10 Things Every Meditator Should Know

A TM Primer and Quiz

When’s the best time to meditate? What’s the best position to sit in for TM practice? Is it possible to meditate even in a noisy place? What if I get sleepy? Why is the TM technique so easy compared to other techniques? What support is there after I take the course? I started TM to reduce stress—what’s the deal with “enlightenment”? Find Answers & Take the Quiz ►

Helping Others

March 26, 2023

Healing Trauma and Promoting Well-Being | 52:46

Karen Friedman Agnifilo, J.D., a 30-year veteran of public service, most recently served as Chief Asst. District Attorney of the Manhattan D.A.’s Office. She talks about the role of TM practice in helping survivors of domestic violence and in enhancing resilience for those who support them. This encore episode first aired on May 9, 2021.

Personal Growth

March 19, 2023

The Power of TM to Clear Toxic Stress | 47:50

Sarah Sica is the Director of Programs at the David Lynch Foundation Center for Health and Wellness. She teaches TM to survivors of domestic and gender-based violence through a government-funded project. She discusses how the TM technique helps those experiencing post-traumatic stress to begin experiencing the joy of “post-traumatic growth.”


March 12, 2023

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Unified Basis of Life | 55:30

TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi describes the unified basis of life expressed in the world around us and experienced in the simple state of human awareness during our TM practice. Lea Cho, Director of Programs and Special Projects at the David Lynch Foundation, joins host Mario Orsatti to discuss Maharishi’s talk. This encore episode first aired on January 9, 2022.

Better Health

February 26, 2023

Sustaining Vibrant Health and Avoiding 21st-Century Burnout | 44:10

Charles Elder, M.D., a Senior Investigator at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, discusses the role of integrative medicine in American healthcare. He talks about the importance of the TM technique and Maharishi AyurVeda® approaches to health for building resilience and overcoming burnout.


February 19, 2023

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Mechanics of Success | 53:04

TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi discusses how to achieve success by enlivening all the laws of nature in our consciousness, and answers questions on the nature of success and competition. Lea Cho, an accomplished musician and Director of Programs and Special Projects at the David Lynch Foundation, joins host Mario Orsatti to discuss this talk. This encore episode first aired on February 6, 2022.

Better Health

February 12, 2023

Solving the Nation’s Mental Health Crisis for Children and Adults | 54:10

William Stixrud, Ph.D., is a clinical therapist, neuropsychologist, and Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at George Washington University School of Medicine. He discusses the causes of our current mental health crisis, and how daily practice of the TM technique can play a key role in reversing this trend by developing the consciousness of students, parents, and teachers.

Vedic Knowledge

May 14, 2020

7 Free Online Programs for Health and Happiness to Enjoy 7 Days a Week

To meet the needs of this time, programs for personal growth are now available every day • Inspiring Thursday webinars with Dr. Tony Nader • Twice-daily Group Meditations with TM Connect • Friday online classes for Maharishi YogaSM Asanas • Weekday iHeartRadio for Stay Calm with Bob Roth • Insight and knowledge at Sunday TM Talks • Everyday healthy living with Introduction to Maharishi AyurVeda®

Better Health

February 3, 2018

Strength in Stillness: Bob Roth Talks about His New Book, the Rise of Meditation in Our Culture, and the Future of TM

The longtime TM teacher and David Lynch FoundationSM (DLF) CEO took time for a Q&A. What led him to write a new TM book now? What can meditators do to maximize their growth? What has changed in views of meditation since he started teaching TM 45 years ago?


January 5, 2017

Maharishi School Chosen As One of the Best Private High Schools Nationwide | 4:57

Maharishi School takes the spotlight in recent national recognition from TM is one key to the well-rounded curriculum at this K-12 school in Fairfield, Iowa that placed second in a ranking of private Iowa schools.

Vedic Knowledge

March 22, 2017

6 Easy Ways to Detox for Spring

Ayurvedic expert Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf reveals how we can easily take advantage of our innate spring-cleaning cycle by adjusting our diet and lifestyle.

Vedic Knowledge

May 14, 2020

For Better Health and Balance, Take a Free Introduction to Maharishi AyurVeda®

Create a healthier, more balanced physiology for yourself and your family by taking a deep dive into the world’s oldest and most complete system of natural healthcare in this self-paced, free online enrichment course from Maharishi International University.


March 27, 2019

Can My TM Practice Help Create a More Peaceful World?

Q&A with renowned TM researcher Dr. David Orme-Johnson on a scientific, brain-based approach to peace. He explains how the TM and TM-Sidhi programs have been shown to help reduce rates of crime, accidents, mortality, war, and terrorism.

Better Health

February 28, 2016

Thriving with Bipolar: A Conversation with Writer/Director Paul Dalio | 8:32

Based on his own struggles with bipolar disorder, Paul Dalio wrote and directed Touched with Fire, a film exploring the passionate romance of two poets living with the condition.

TM in the News

January 27, 2016

What TM Is, How It Works, and How It’s Changing Lives | 4:00

The Huffington Post: Bob Roth talking about TM, how it works, its high-profile endorsements, and how 20 minutes of silence has been changing lives, maybe the world.

TM in the News

December 25, 2015

Use a Treatment for PTSD That Actually Works | 3:13

This article by Col. Brian Rees, M.D., David O’Connell, and David Leffler was  published in The Hill, a top U.S. political website that is read at the White House and by many lawmakers.

TM in the News

November 18, 2015

University of Pennsylvania Project in San Francisco Helps Those with HIV/AIDS | 6:52

The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for AIDS Research and the San Francisco Aids Foundation provided instruction in TM to survivors of HIV/AIDS. Here’s their story.

TM in the News

November 10, 2015

Mantras before Math Class | 2:30

Today, it seems that the David Lynch Foundation can’t keep up with the demand for TM and the Quiet Time program in schools across the country. Jennie Rothenberg Gritz, writing for The Atlantic, reports.

TM in the News

August 18, 2015

Meditation Curbs Violence at San Francisco Schools | 3:11

What happens when the TM technique is added to the curriculum of a struggling school? NBC Nightly News and Cynthia McFadden wanted to find out.

“If we expose our system to this profound rest every day at the same time, then the cycle of rest and activity and freshness gets established. All effort should be made to be regular in meditation.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Personal Growth

11 Ways to Enjoy Your TM Practice on Vacation

Personal Growth

Welcome to Maharishi Yoga Asanas

Science & Research

20 Tips for TM Twice a Day

Better Health

How Is TM Different from Mindfulness, in Practice and Effects?

Better Health

The Benefits of Regular, Twice-Daily Meditation

Enlightenment Series

Cosmic Consciousness—Living the Fullness of Inner Silence and Bliss 24 Hours a Day

Personal Growth

20 Places to Meditate on the Go

Helping Others

Celebrating 50 Years of Teaching TM in African American Communities, 1969–2019

Creativity & the Arts

Continuous Creation

Artist Kuno Vollet creates iconic objects with fullness of emptiness at their center: “TM influenced my art from the beginning, because you have to be so relaxed, not tense, when you do your work… I get into a deeper and deeper state, and it’s just a flow, where there is no disturbance. The art is just being created.”

My Story

Trekking 1000s of Miles with TM

“After a very demanding and exhausting day, nothing is better than knowing that once I sit down to meditate, I will be reinvigorated and any negatives of the day will melt away,” writes Ted Stekkinger.
Read more ►

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